Saturday, August 30, 2003 |
friends |
Met up with some high school friends yesterday and I realized how much I miss them. Met up with Rohini, Ara and Macis at Starbucks Katipunan and at McCafe at Eastwood, Libis. We reminisced about old times and caught up with the latest news. Hay. This is what happens when you get older. More responsibilities which means less opportunities to spend time with each other. Out of 16, only 4 of us were able to make it yesterday. But Rohini and I were talking last night and we actually planned our next get-together that should push through: a videoke/drinking spree here at my house in December. I sure hope everyone can come! |
posted by Jax @ 7:51:00 PM   |
Thursday, August 28, 2003 |
United Kingdom |
You're the United Kingdom!
You're a much weaker person than you used to be, but you still
act like you did when everyone looked up to you. Despite this, you're
probably a better person than you were when you had so much power over those
around you. Though you do have a strange fascination with jewels and monarchs,
which lets you play in castles, but also end up leading a sort of tabloid lifestyle.
You really like the Beatles, even more than you like Oasis.
Take the Country
Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
How accurate is this? Got this from Id and it's some kind of a right. If there is a country that I want to live besides the Philippines, it would have to be in UK. And then I got to visit it last year and I wanna go back there. That's why I'm trying so hard to find a school there. So I can go and stay there for more than a week!
Actually, it's not accurate accurate. The only accurate thing about it is I want to live in the UK. And I love castles.
Please pray for me. That I get to live out my dreams in the UK.
I am so infatuated with Orlando Bloom right now. Besides the fact that he is such a cutie, I don't know. But one thing's for sure! I have to watch Pirates of the Carribean this Tuesday, if only for him! Besides. Paul said it was a good movie so I'm taking my chances. :)
But you know what? He is on a roll now. After ROTK, he has three (?) upcoming movies: Ned Kelly with Heath Ledger, The Calcium Kid, in which he plays the lead role, and as Prince Paris in Troy. I personally am waiting for Troy. This has got to be my most favorite epic. One of my dreams is to actually bring to the big screen Homer's two literary work, The Iliad and The Oddyssey. But Wolfgang Petersen beat me to it. Oh well. I can always make a "remake". :D
Less than a week after my friend, Billie, left for the US, another friend is set to leave. My college friend, Den, is leaving for Australia (Canberra) tomorrow. They're all leaving one by one. Bye, Den! Good luck!
10:06pm: Just watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring awhile ago and I am still flabbergasted. I swear Peter Jackson is a genius! He is my newest idol. And of course, I watched it for Orlando Bloom. Hihihi. I'm turning into some giddy adolescent right now.
posted by Jax @ 8:36:00 PM   |
Wednesday, August 27, 2003 |
A b o u t I t A l l . c o m | S e p t e m b e r 1 1 t h P h o t o B l o g |
A b o u t I t A l l . c o m | S e p t e m b e r 1 1 t h P h o t o B l o g
Rob Salzman has this to say:
I've been thinking about September 11th. I've been thinking about the United States response - The Patriot Act. Invading Afganastan & Iraq. Death. Fear. Oppression.
It seems to me that this is NOT the America I want the world to know. So I propose a blogwide Photoblog your Life day on September 11th. Take your camera with you. Take pictures. Show the world your life. Show the world your daily delights. Show the world that we choose life, happiness and freedom.
On September 11th, I'll be carrying my camera with me. I'll snap pictures of my day - the good, the bad, the mundane. And I'm gonna post them here for the world to see. Let's make September 11th a day of affirmation and life.
Update: Several people have asked if this is for citizens of the US only. I replied:
No. This is about community, not geography
We're all human. Let's try to build understanding!
Go visit it! |
posted by Jax @ 9:34:00 PM   |
blackout! |
After spending most of my childhood in darkness, you'd think I was used to having blackouts. Well not in the middle of doing something! It lasted four 3 hours and during that time, I only slept for 30 minutes. When the lights finally came back on at 2:30 am, I was ecstatic. Mainly because the aircon was back on. I couldn't sleep coz it was so hot! Hay. I hope it doesn't happen again. |
posted by Jax @ 8:28:00 PM   |
Can I just say that the prices for the upcoming F4 concert here in Manila is freakingly high? Cheapest is at P1000 (~$20) and the highest is at P10,500 (~$210)! Hello! That is just plain ridiculous. Then the concert organizer said, in a newspaper article, that he didn't want to reveal the talent fee because it was overly expensive. But I heard they were paying them a talent fee of P25M (~$500K)! What?! And to think only two of them are coming (they've disbanded already) plus Barbie Xu, the girl who plays Shan Cai in Meteor Garden.
posted by Jax @ 7:10:00 AM   |
Monday, August 25, 2003 |
mobile blogging, pedro almodova, friendster and piracy |
In my haste, I forgot to put the link to my moblog in yesterday's post. It's at Phlog.
I was reading the newspaper yesterday when I got to my favorite section (movie guide) and found out that my favorite director's (Pedro Almodovar) newest movie, Talk to Her, will be shown in regular cinemas starting Wednesday, August 27! Ohmy. I cannot wait!
Pedro Almodovar has been my favorite ever since I saw his 1999 movie, Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother). Watch his latest movie in regular cinemas starting Wednesday when you can!
If you have Friendster, add me! Use my email address, I'm especially calling my batchmates from Miriam College High School Batch 98.
On to a more serious topic, which is piracy.
Yesterday, I was so peeved at my brother when he tried to justify buying pirated products by saying it's practical. Why buy a DVD worth P1000 when you can buy it for P80? Um, because it's illegal. When it comes to buying pirated products, I think Filipinos have got their priorities all screwed up. I mean, my brother even had the gall to berate me that I was being impractical when I buy original products. Um, that's not impractical, that's what you call legal!
We complain about politicians and government officials who steal from us, who take the money we pay for taxes and use it for their own consumption. But let me tell you this: when you buy these pirated products, aren't you doing the same thing? You may argue that it just goes to artists and big movie companies and productions/recording outfits, in short to the people who make them. Yes that's true. The profits they make from selling all these original products goes to paying the artists, managers, producers, production assistants, presidents and, in case you don't know, even the littlest person in that company. And yet these little people are starving. You know why? Because they don't get the money that they deserve and were promised. Because ordinary consumers don't buy the original products. And one more thing: these original products, they pay taxes. Taxes that we need to provide us with better lives.
You know, I used to think that Filipinos were good. That they actually cared about their fellowmen. But when I see people still patronizing these products, I see them for what they are: selfish. Yes that's right. Selfish. Because you, the pirate consumer, don't care what your purchase will do to our country. You only care that you were able to save a couple of hundred pesos. Will that still be how you'll think when our country goes down the drain? If you want to be practical, then buy something else, like food or clothes, something you really cannot live without.
You know, I also hate it when I see foreign CDs I like priced at more than P400 and DVDs at more than P500. Right now, I have at least 5 foreign CDs that I want to buy and around a hundred videos waiting for me to purchase them. That only can cost me around P10,000 at least. But I don't succumb to buying pirated products. Because I know it's illegal, I know it's wrong.
Normally, I'd end a post like this with "I'm not trying to make you feel guilty" but that's not the case with this. Because I want you, the pirate consumer, to feel guilty. Guilty about buying products like this and being a burden to this country. You should feel guilty because you are not doing anything for the progress of this country.
BE A SOLUTION, not a problem. |
posted by Jax @ 12:34:00 AM   |
Saturday, August 23, 2003 |
mobile blogging |
I'm a vain person. That's why I got a new blog. But this time, entries in this blog will be pictures that I took with my cellphone. Check it out here. Thanks to Cha for the site.
Last night I watched my TTT DVD for the 3rd time yesterday. Yes. I cannot get enough of the movie. What can I say? It's just one of the greatest movies ever made.
Hmm. Haven't heard from Darren in a couple of weeks. Wonder where he's at?
Anyway, it's Ateneo's 2nd round game against FEU today. I won't be able to watch it because it's my nephew's 1st birthday party and I'm attending it. I so want to watch it pa naman. Guess I'll have to wait for the replay on Pinoy Central TV.
UPDATE: WE WON! WE WON! WE WON! We won against FEU this afternoon, 87-63. We're now tied with FEU for Team 1 on Men's Basketball Standings! Yes! I was only able to catch the last four minutes of the game but if it was any indication of the whole game, well, then it was a great game because the ADMU players played great in the last four minutes! Four more teams, then final four. I really hope we win the crown again this year! Good luck, boys! ONE BIG FIGHT!
posted by Jax @ 11:33:00 PM   |
updates |
Hay naku. Reichen and Chip won The Amazing Race 4. Although I'm happy that Jon and Kelly didn't win, I was also rooting for David and Jeff, who came in third. Frustrating! You know, this is getting frustrating. Every person/team that I root for (from Survivor 2 to 6 and TAR 3 to4) never win. What is up with that? Do I have like a sort of jinx? That everyone I root for (in reality shows) never win? *gasp* Am I that bad?
I know. I know. I'm overreacting. I just wanted to get that off my chest. :)
I was looking at the latest US movies at Yahoo and I found out that Warner Bros is doing another remake of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Cast hasn't been finalized and announced yet but according to Greg's Preview, Tim Burton might direct the movie. Hmmm. I'm still thinking if that's a good idea. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory still remains to be one of my favorite children's book and, I don't know, Tim Burton might, due to his past movies, make it into a somewhat "dark" movie. Well, who knows? I mean, Tim Burton was still the director behind one of my favorite movies, Batman and Batman Returns, starring Michael Keaton.
Speaking of Batman, talks for Batman 5 are still ongoing. Check out Greg's Previews on that. It turns out Christopher Nolan will be directing that (I thought it was supposed to be Darren Aronofsky or was that for Superman?) and they are talking to Guy Pearce for the role of Bruce Wayne. Hmm. I like the guy but he's not exactly my first choice for Bruce Wayne. But who knows? He might be good. No one will, in my opinion, beat Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne, though.
Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban has a playdate already and it's June 4, 2004! I can't wait for the third installment in the Harry Potter series for three reasons: 1) It's directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who gave us A Little Princess, Great Expectations and Y Tu Mama Tambien; 2) It stars Gary Oldman as Sirius Black; and 3) It's Harry Potter! So there. :D
I have a new desktop wallpaper and it's from the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I cannot wait for ROTK to show in cinemas! Here in Manila, it'll probably be shown on January 9, 2004, after the Metro Manila Film Festival. Omigoodness. I can't wait!
X3: X-men 3 currently has a May 5, 2006 opening playdate. Hmmm. Still a long time before it gets shown. They'll start production in 2005. Still far. They're not sure if Bryan Singer will still direct this. But he will definitely still work on the movie even as a producer or consultant. Hugh Jackman is still unsigned as Wolverine but they will try to get him since the production company, Fox, doesn't want to make the movie without Wolverine. Other actors are coming back but Halle Berry might not. Although there are talks that they might make a movie about Storm, Berry's X-men character.
Another film to watch out for me is Troy starring Brad Pitt as Achilles and Orlando Bloom as Prince Paris of Troy. I've always loved Greek mythology and I love watching movies about this. It's one of my greatest dreams to put Iliad and Oddyssey in the big screen, whether as one film or as trilogy or as two movies.
One of the directors that I admire is Steven Soderbergh. He revolutionized the independent film industry and has taken production cinema to a new level by making movies not of the "mainstream level". He's set to direct Ocean's Twelve in 2004 as well as produce several (try 7) other movies. Goodness.
One of my favorite movies still is Ridley Scott's Gladiator. You just gotta admire how the guy tells a story. I never tire of watching the movie, even if it's more than two hours. Russell Crowe was very moving as Maximus. This is one of my favorite movies because Russell Crowe delivered one of his best performances and Ridley Scott told the story in a tremendous way.
posted by Jax @ 4:03:00 AM   |
Thursday, August 21, 2003 |
thoughts |
I have the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers DVD already!
It arrived today and I watched it immediately.
I swear, I love that movie. Peter Jackson is such a genius. I love what he did here. I swear, he has to win a Best Director award for this.
While I was watching the movie though, my sister kept pointing out to me the stuff that Jackson did that was different from the book. And that's what the fanatics were rambling about: that Jackson didn't stay true to the book. I was irritated by that. I mean, this movie is Peter Jackson's interpretation of the book. He modified and took out some scenes because he felt he could tell the story better without it. I mean, if you really don't like what he did, then don't watch it!
I just want to review my list of things to do before I'm 30. Hmm. Just as I expected, I haven't progressed yet. Hehe.
Things I Want To Do Before I'm 30
1. Be a certified diver.
2. Make at least one box-office hit, or at least a controversial one. ;)
3. Learn to surf.
4. Open a cafe/bookshop.
5. Go bungee-jumping.
6. Go to Spain, Canada and Sweden.
7. Live on my own.
8. Join or attend an international film festival (set in international waters).
9. Publish at least two books. (preferably, at least 1 children's book and 1 fiction)
10. Skydive.
11. Go on a sabbatical to write.
I was watching a special on roller coasters over at the Discovery Channel awhile ago and I just realized that I haven't riden a roller coaster in 4 years! And I love roller coasters! I mean, I could just ride them over and over again! *sniff sniff* I'm such a loser. I don't even make an effort to ride a roller coaster. EK's far kasi and it's getting more and more expensive to go there now. Oh well.
Before I forget, Ateneo won against Adamson earlier this afternoon! They're on a 7-game winning streak and still solo second! Next game will be on Sunday against FEU. I wonder who will win. I hope it's us. It'll be fun coz it's going to be another Banal vs Banal game. *grins* I wonder which Banal will be paying for dinner this time. I think it happens every time they play against each other. Whoever wins will have to pay for dinner. Hehe.
The season finale for The Amazing Race 4 will be tomorrow! I can't wait! Since teams of Jon and Al & Millie and Chuck are gone, I'm rooting for David and Jeff to win it because I don't like the other two teams. I can't wait for tomorrow! |
posted by Jax @ 8:54:00 AM   |
Wednesday, August 20, 2003 |
events |
Last night, Sanggu 2002 people met for the first time, for some of us, in more than a year. Despite the rains, all 12 (?) of us trooped to Powerplant Mall in Makati to get together and say goodbye properly to Billie (who is leaving for the US on the 24th) and to Den (who is leaving for Australia on the 28th). It was just sad that the reason we agreed to meet for dinner was because someone was leaving. Well we caught up with each other's lives and it felt so good to finally do that after so long.
All of us used to work for Sanggunian 2002 of the Ateneo 2 years ago. We were always with each other that whole year. We had our own office, which was huge. Despite long breaks, nobody got to study there since we can always find someout to talk to there. It was just one entire bonding session for all of us. From around 9am to 6p everyday, we would spend it there at the Sanggu Rm, except during classes. And to top that off, we had weekly meetings every Friday night, from 6p to God knows when, which we end with a dinner together. It was chaos personified. And it doesn't end there. We still spend some weekends together coz sometimes that's when we really work on our different projects.
I've developed a close friendship with a lot of them because I spent a lot of time with them that year. And I missed that. That became evident when I saw them again last night. I went home an hour later since I didn't want to go home because I still wanted to spend more time with them. I spent one of the best years of my life with them. When I needed someone, they were there. They were just the perfect medicine that the doctor recommended.
And now, we're all "growing up" one by one. I mean, some of us are already leaving. Billie's off to the US, Den's off to Australia, even Leeyaj (another colleague) is in Singapore! And next year, Pat is thinking of leaving for the US. Hay. I guess we got to live our own lives at some point. It's just sad that we rarely get to see and talk to each other anymore.
On a happier note, I finally saw my latest goddaughter, Alexandra Sophia Dato or Alex for short. She's so tiny! I took some pictures of her but it's on my phone and I don't really know how to upload it here. Does anyone know? Anyway, she is the tiniest thing I've ever seen but still malikot.
I asked Ida how it feels to be a mom now. And she said she still cannot imagine she's already a mom. Me too, I think.
Calling poets, essayist, short story writers, playwrights!
I need literary pieces. Anyone interested? I can't pay you yet. I can only give you the satisfaction of being published. Are you still there? Still interested? Send me your resume and writing samples to Thanks! And spread the word! |
posted by Jax @ 7:36:00 AM   |
Monday, August 18, 2003 |
quizzes! |
I haven't done this in a long time actually. Hihihi. Forgot how fun it is!
 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
The ULTIMATE personality test brought to you by Quizilla
 "You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss". Your romance is Casablanca. A classic story of love in trying times, chock full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously believe in true love, but you're also constantly aware of practicality and societal expectations. That's not always fun, but at least it's realistic. Try not to let the Nazis get you down too much.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life? brought to you by Quizilla
 You should be dating an Aries.
21 March - 19 April
This person is a leader, very energetic, always helping others to achieve their dreams. Though at times, Aries can be be bossy, jealous, and selfish, this ram enjoys sexy new challenges in bed!
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To? brought to you by Quizilla
 Congratulations!! You're a strawberry daquiri!!
What Drink Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Jasmine from Aladdin!
What Disney Princess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are ice. You have a cold exterior but a warm heart.
What element is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
I don't agree with some of this but hey! It's still fun!
My friday five in months!
1. How much time do you spend online each day?
I have a DSL account so I take advantage of it. I spend around 10 - 12 hours online if I'm at home. Otherwise, I spend 3 - 5 hours online.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
The Breast Cancer Site.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
Yup, I do. I have YM, MSN and ICQ but I always use YM and MSN.
4. Where was your first webpage located?
Geocities. It was a personal page about nothing. Hehe.
5. How long have you had your current website?
This blog? I've had it since May 2002 but I've only been actively using this since March 2003.
Labels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 8:57:00 PM   |
musings |
Ateneo won against UE yesterday! They've been on a six-game winning streak ah! And Magnum's game is slowly picking up at last. He had a jumpshot and a three-pointer yesterday. Cool. Cool. I'm happy for him! Last time I talked to him, he was still recovering from the flu, which I thought might affect his game but it didn't.
I'm meeting up with the old Sanggu people tomorrow for a reunion dinner-slash-going away dinner for Billie and I'm so excited! I haven't seen most of them since last year and I really miss them. Hope a lot of them can come though.
I love my mom. But sometimes she can be so arrogant. I just hate it whenever she goes on her panlalait (insulting) phase. It's like she wants to make it appear that she's so great, you know?
Lord, please help my mom. I honestly think she doesn't know what she's doing. I really don't like it when she starts insulting other people. She appears to not care if she offends others. It's just so frustrating. I mean, she doesn't even care and she doesn't bother if she has her facts on straight. She just goes on and on and on.
Got this from Susan's blog. It's a Questionnaire and Message Writing Experiment. She explains the experiment very well. |
posted by Jax @ 3:36:00 AM   |
Saturday, August 16, 2003 |
interview |
Interview questions from Nicoffeine. Took me two hours to answer all this! Dang!
1. who is it that you've had a crush on for the longest time? why does your heart beat for him so? (ahehehe nice phrasing!)
One, si LA Mumar. First year college pa lang crush ko na siya. Actually, I don't like LA, I admire him. I admire his faith and his whole being. Ambait niya kasi tsaka mabuti siyang tao. Showbiz nga lang.
Second, si Paolo. Yes, yes I know. But I think he was really the longest na like, around 3 years. Why? I don't really know. Hanggang ngayon, 2 years after, di ko pa rin alam. I think at that time, I was overwhelmed with love, crushes and all that. I actually thought I was in love with him. I mean, since I really got to know him, you know. But I think at that time I was in love with the thought of love, you know. Besides, it was good to have him as my crush. He gave me something to look forward to whenever I went to school, you know. He wasn't always the most responsive one (that was LA) but he was still a good person and good friend. But there. Ack! I don't want to say anymore.
2. if you could be any high tech electronic device, what would you be and why? (if you want to be specific as to the model, please do so!)
I would be the Nikon Coolpix 5300 (I think. I'm not sure about the model pero yung sa series na yan). Because it captures memories and provides for easy and quick sharing. I think pictures are the greatest way to capture the greatest memories, events and everything in your life. It's also a great way to remember and see the faces of the people and places and things that you never want to forget.
3. what is the one thing a person can do for you to instantly want to kill him?
When that person tries to hurt anyone in my family. They are the most important people in my life. But I do believe that God will take care of all of us. So even if I do want to kill that person, I wouldn't. I'll let God handle him because He'll know what to do.
4. if you could write an article about anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I would want to have an interview with the late President Ferdinand Marcos. He was such an exceptional person and I admire him for his brains and leadership. But I want to ask him why he did what he did and why, if he had "an inclination for greatness", he let Imelda do what she did.
5. which 80's pop icon would you want to trade places with for a day? why did you choose him/her?
Molly Ringwald. When I think of 80s movies, I think of her. I have all of her movies on tape. Well, almost. But I love her. She was the ultimate 80s icon for me. Besides, sarap ng buhay niya noon. She was 16 when she started making lots of money and doing something I would love to do. Besides she got to kiss that gorgeous guy in Sixteen Candles!
New questions! From Nicoffeine and Fullview.
1. if you could only do one indulgent thing (smoke, have sex, drink alcohol, drink caffeinated drinks...) without suffering any bad consequences, what would it be and why?
I would drink alcohol. Because I like it and I can do it anytime I want, with or without anyone with me.
2. what's love got to do with it?
Everything. Love makes the world go round. Cliche as it may sound, I do believe that love makes us get up in the morning. Love makes us do the thing that we do. We may not know it consciously but I believe that love is the secret operator of our lives.
3. if you could raise one person from the dead, who would it be and why?
It would have to be my cousin, Kristine. She died a month before she could turn 18 and I do think that she wasn't able to live the live the life that she was supposed to live: happy and secure. But I believe that God had his reasons. I believe that she is now somewhere happy, where she can really help out other people in need.
4. lets be gender specific... in a man, which body part turns you on the most?
The smile. When the guy I like smiles at me, I melt. He can literally take my blues away.
5. i know your hair's okay, so since when has it been that way and why do you say that?
Ever since I had my hair cut this way, which was 4 years ago this weekend. Why? Because it's wash and wear. I don't even have to brush it. I just wait for it to dry and it comes out better than if it were brushed.
1. If you had the chance to eradicate all the evil in the world which would be your 5 top evil priorities and why? (presupposition that you believe in evil)
I would like to take out pride, envy, greed and prejudice and replace them all with love. I think these evil things are present because of the refusal to love. But God had a reason for this and I can't argue with that.
2. Which woud be harder to be male or female, why?
Female! Two words: menstruation, pregnancy
3. Who is the closest person 'to you' that you hate/dislike most but would rather have not met or known, why?
There are some people that I don't like but I do believe that I met them for a reason. I believe that they are part of the reason why I am who I am today. I've learned a lot from their mistakes and I've learned that whining and complaining will not win you any friends.
4. What will be the most perfect setting for your most intimate encounter, sexual of course and why?
Room by the beach, on my honeymoon. Sun rising over the sea, that has got to be the most romantic setting ever. And I only want to share this moment with my husband.
5. If you had the chance to be a spiritual leader/saint/guru/etc. who and why?
No one in particular. As long as I can speak about God.
As it goes, according to Nicoffeine, 5 questions, you ask me to ask you, i give you five questions, you answer and you ask me back. Comprende?
Right on, dude! |
posted by Jax @ 7:48:00 AM   |
for the Pope |
I love what the Pope said there: "If Christ had stepped down from the cross, I would have the right to do the same."
It inspires me to never give up. I mean, if Christ never gave up on me, on us, then who am I to give up on Him?
Finally watched Finding Nemo this afternoon. It was so funny! Especially when Dory talked like a whale and the turtles! Omigoodness! But I think I laughed the hardest when I saw the teaser for the newest Disney Pixar movie, The Incredibles. It was so funny!
I watched the movie with my sister, my brother, his wife and two kids (Karlo and Kaleb), my cousin and her son, and Karlo's friend and his mom. Ack! Chaotic! Lost my patience actually. Sorry about that, Lord.
National Bookstore is on sale! Until the end of the month! |
posted by Jax @ 5:41:00 AM   |
Thursday, August 14, 2003 |
thoughts |
I bought the concert VCD of Paolo Santos yesterday and I am watching it right now and he's singing The Way You Look Tonight, originally sung by Tony Bennett. I love this song! I first heard it when I watched My Best Friend's Wedding and I tend to "cry" whenever I hear this song. It's just so beautiful and heartwarming. It makes a girl feel so special. Haay.
A friend emailed me last night saying goodbye. She's leaving on August 24 for the US to take up her Master's in Michigan. She'll be gone for two years. I'm gonna miss you, Billie! Good luck! |
posted by Jax @ 6:47:00 PM   |
Wednesday, August 13, 2003 |
prayers and all that |
I am watching Myx Live right now featuring the Apo Hiking Society. I love this group! They popularized songs such as Batang-Bata Ka Pa, Awit ng Barkada, Ewan and When I Met You. They said that they wanted to become the Beatles of the Philippines but in my opinion they were better than the Beatles. I guess the reason I like them is because their songs are very diverse. Sometimes they may sing about love but they also sing about friendships, families and other topics. It's always a refreshing break from all the broken and unrequited love songs and angsty songs out there.
After years of searching and discovering, I finally realize what it is to have faith and to have faith in God. For me, having faith in God means that I am willing and able to live and fight for God. When I had doubt about God in the past, it was because I did not believe that He was capable of doing everything for everyone. I was arrogant enough to believe that there is something better for me out there when it (my faith) was always in my heart and in me all along. Susan actually explains it very well.
Sometimes I wish that my friends and I all share the same kind of faith because I, personally, am happy with this feeling. But we don't. Some of them believe in a different kind of faith and some do not share the same priority towards their beliefs. It doesn't matter really. What matters only is that they are happy, no matter what they choose.
Right now, I am making a double effort to never think ill of anyone, not to judge people and to always think positive. It's hard but I'm doing my best to live my life for God.
All systems go for Spill and right now we're trying to make a mock-up issue of the magazine. Hopefully, everything will go as planned. Please pray for us!
I talked to my mom this morning and she said that my dad was okay with me going to the United Kingdom to study there. So I told my mom about this school in London that had a 1-year scriptwriting program. And my mom told me to look for more schools coz it'll be worth it if I study there for around 2 years since I was already there. And I was all ecstatic inside. So I went looking for schools a while ago and I found around 4-5 schools in London. I'm so excited!
I was reading Trisha's latest post and I started getting giddy all over coz she was talking about weddings. Ay goodness. Sometimes I wish I was already 30 (my marrying age) so I could plan my wedding already. I was reading this wedding magazine that my mom bought. And I just want to go to all the shops there and pretend I was getting married already and that I was canvassing just so I can experience how it feels to plan my own wedding you know. Hay. Only problem is I still have no groom. If only - never mind!
Finding Nemo officially opens today in Manila and I have yet to watch it. A lot of people have watched it and are raving about it. I can't wait to watch it! I'm watching it on Friday with my sister-in-law and her two kids and well, I just hope I'll be able to concentrate on the movie. Her two kids (my nephews and godsons) are 5 and 2 and well they can be very "talkative". Well just Karlo, the five-year-old. I like to concentrate when I'm watching a movie that's why I prefer watching movies alone so I could focus on it. But that never happens when I watch with Karlo. He tends to talk at the most inappropriate times. Oh well, what can I do? He's just a kid. Oh, the sacrifices I have to make because I want to spend time with my nephews.
Speaking of godsons, I haven't visited and seen my newest goddaughter yet. I've been meaning to visit Ida and her baby but I haven't found the time yet. Hopefully I can visit her next week before they eventually move to Makati. |
posted by Jax @ 7:22:00 AM   |
Tuesday, August 12, 2003 |
truly-ly-ly |
Can I just share that I slept at around 11:52pm last night? That's the earliest I've slept in weeks! At last. I've been dying for some sleep but can't since I have to work to get some moolah. What's frustrating about my job is I can't leave my work in the office because my home is my office! Ack.
Anyway, moving on to better things...
Went to Ateneo yesterday to conduct some surveys and took the opportunity to visit Doc Sol after so long. Good thing I did! Coz when I went there to ask if I can leave some surveys at the IS Dept, she said sure and went to the office of the department secretary and said, ", makre sure that the students who come in here answer this survey. Tell them I'm requiring it." Alright! Winner ka, Ma'am!
Anyway, prior to that, I met up with the rest of the group at Dunkin Donuts at Katipunan at 1030. I came early around 9:35am so that I could call some establishments before the others got there. Good thing na lang I was early coz my crush/friend passed by! Eh I haven't seen or talked to him in like a year. Syempre, we caught up with each other's lives but he had to go coz he still had a class. (Yes, he's still studying: a senior at ADMU, and he's almost 2 years younger than me.) I was on a high the whole day. :D
We also went to UP Diliman where I saw my college friend, Lesley, for the first time in a year, too! Wow.
I was expecting the worst kasi since we had to work yesterday. Eh I kind of wasn't in the mood since I haven't had enough decent sleep yet. But well, it was worth it pa rin.
It's all because of You, Lord. You truly are great. Yesterday, You showed me that everything happens for a reason. You showed me that everything that happens to us leads to something good, even if we don't see it at first. Actually, You didn't show me. You reminded me of Your greatness. Thank You, Lord. :) |
posted by Jax @ 2:04:00 AM   |
Sunday, August 10, 2003 |
latest news |
Got this from Steph. Very interesting. Apparently, you can "find out" what your ideal job is based on your name.
Let's see. If I use:
*Jaclyn Ann - I'm a Car Thief
*Jaclyn - Urologist
*Jac - Astrologist
*Jack - Funeral Director
*Jaq - Poet
*Jackie - Layabout
*Jacquie - Pole Dancer
*Jax - Champion Ping Pong Player
*Jackalope - Bodyguard
*Jackloyd - Serial Pop Idol Contestant
*Jacq - Lion Tamer
Very diverse. Glad to know that if one job doesn't work out, I'll have other jobs to, um, "fall back on". Funnily enough, my dream job (documentary filmmaker, bookshop owner, film distributor, writer and mom) never came up.
Last night, I went online to look for schools that I can apply to in the United Kingdom. Sadly, I did not find any schools with a film program in Scotland, particularly Edinburgh. I didn't find any in Wales, too. A lot of the schools I found were either in London, Nottingham, Warwick, Leeds and other places in England. But I still don't know if I'm really going to study in the UK. Last night, I looked for film schools and search using UK Yahoo and I found film schools in Belgium, Prague, Spain, Paris, Italy, Singapore and even Argentina and Egypt! Too bad, I'm going to have to use another language other than English if I want to study there. And that's something I'm confident I might not be able to do in time. Hay naku. Ewan.
I plan to go to the British Council office next week and do some more research there since they probably have more information in studying at the UK there. At least, my unanswered questions will be answered there.
In other news, my Ateneo Blue Eagles won against the De La Salle Green Archers yesterday at the Araneta Coliseum, 82-68. IMO, though, as early as the second quarter, the Eagles had the game already. It's not because I'm rooting for them. It's because I thought this was one of the sloppiest games played by the Green Archers in years. It's almost similar to their August 2 game against the NU Bulldogs. Good thing the Blue Eagles won, though.
The 1st round of the UAAP men's basketball will officially end after the UE-UST game at 4p today. I can't wait for the 2nd round! Ateneo has been on a 5-game winning streak and I hope their winning attitude and confidence can last until the finals once again and, hopefully, win the crown again.
We argued about this a couple of years ago and, until now, we still do't have an answer. Well let me ask you this then:
Who, in your opinion, became more famous: Menudo or New Kids on the Block?
I still think it's the New Kids. What do you guys think?
Earlier this week, I started reading the Bible as my official prayer time. But sadly, I haven't been able to keep up with it because of the work I have to do. I know it's not an excuse. But I haven't forgotten You, Lord. I'm just overwhelmed with all the work that I'm doing right now and I'm finding it hard to manage my time (which I used to be an expert of) that's why I try to talk to you at night before I go to sleep for awhile. You're still in my priority list, Lord, and You'll never be bumped off that list. I just have to relearn time management once again. And when I can do, I can spend more than a few minutes with you.
I went to Powerbooks Megamall yesterday and I was like a five-year-old in a candy store. The whole store was on sale! Every single book was on sale. I was hopping from section to section looking at all the books that interest me and, well, I couldn't decided. Finally, I settled on getting two books: Idiot's Guide to Starting your own Business (20% off) and Jesus CEO (30% off). So now I have 5 books to read. I wonder how I'll manage.
By the way, we still need help with the survey. If you have time, please go here to view the survey and please send your reply to my email. Thanks a lot!
By the way, my latest essay is now online at Check it out! |
posted by Jax @ 12:56:00 AM   |
Friday, August 08, 2003 |
Education UK |
I went to the British Council General Pre-Briefing Forum yesterday at Edsa Shangri-la and I'm glad I went there, despite the heavy rains that dampened the weather of Metro Manila.
Different speakers talked about education in UK, the cost of living there, and all the advantages of studying there. I remember ever since I went to the UK last year for a vacation, I fell in love with what it had to offer (in terms of film). I looked for different schools that I could apply to but my parents didn't want me to go there since we thought it would be very expensive.
But it isn't. It's cheaper than studying and living in the US. And now I'm trying to convince my parents to allow me to study in the UK. I'm looking around for more schools now, just so I know my options. I already found two schools in London: London Film Institute and London Film School. Any UK people out there who can give me advice on this?
I'm getting migraines once again because of Spill. Since this is a start-up business, I decided to buy some business books on this and well, my mind's not used to all that business jargon. I do hope and wish and pray that this pushes through though.
Speaking of, we still need help with the survey we're conducting for Spill. You guys can find a copy of the survey here. Please send your replies to hazpafis or jtabergas. Please forward to everyone you know. Thanks! |
posted by Jax @ 11:44:00 PM   |
Monday, August 04, 2003 |
We've waited for this for so long. And now she's here!
Welcome to our world, Alexandra Sophia Dato!
Congratulations, Ida and Rapsa, on your new baby. Finally, dumating na rin siya!
UPDATE: I've fixed the link and you can view the survey here. I'm not fluent with all those HTML stuff so it's all text lang. You can send your replies to the email below. Thanks!
To those who are willing to help, I still need answers to this survey.
Thanks! |
posted by Jax @ 8:38:00 PM   |
Saturday, August 02, 2003 |
survey |
To everyone in the Philippines who is reading this right now:
A couple of people and I are working on bringing a literary magazine out here in the Philippines. But, of course, we still have to determine if there really is a need for this and how we can make it work. The results of this survey will determine the success or failure of this project.
If you're willing to help out, please click here and send your answers to or
THANK YOU! in advanceLabels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 8:40:00 AM   |
need need need |
I think I need to get out of here. I need, need, need to.
My mind's so messed up, I don't know what to think anymore.
Help me, Lord.
My head hurts from thinking too much.
Lord, I need to be with You lang, Lord. |
posted by Jax @ 12:22:00 AM   |