Saturday, August 23, 2003 |
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Hay naku. Reichen and Chip won The Amazing Race 4. Although I'm happy that Jon and Kelly didn't win, I was also rooting for David and Jeff, who came in third. Frustrating! You know, this is getting frustrating. Every person/team that I root for (from Survivor 2 to 6 and TAR 3 to4) never win. What is up with that? Do I have like a sort of jinx? That everyone I root for (in reality shows) never win? *gasp* Am I that bad?
I know. I know. I'm overreacting. I just wanted to get that off my chest. :)
I was looking at the latest US movies at Yahoo and I found out that Warner Bros is doing another remake of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Cast hasn't been finalized and announced yet but according to Greg's Preview, Tim Burton might direct the movie. Hmmm. I'm still thinking if that's a good idea. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory still remains to be one of my favorite children's book and, I don't know, Tim Burton might, due to his past movies, make it into a somewhat "dark" movie. Well, who knows? I mean, Tim Burton was still the director behind one of my favorite movies, Batman and Batman Returns, starring Michael Keaton.
Speaking of Batman, talks for Batman 5 are still ongoing. Check out Greg's Previews on that. It turns out Christopher Nolan will be directing that (I thought it was supposed to be Darren Aronofsky or was that for Superman?) and they are talking to Guy Pearce for the role of Bruce Wayne. Hmm. I like the guy but he's not exactly my first choice for Bruce Wayne. But who knows? He might be good. No one will, in my opinion, beat Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne, though.
Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban has a playdate already and it's June 4, 2004! I can't wait for the third installment in the Harry Potter series for three reasons: 1) It's directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who gave us A Little Princess, Great Expectations and Y Tu Mama Tambien; 2) It stars Gary Oldman as Sirius Black; and 3) It's Harry Potter! So there. :D
I have a new desktop wallpaper and it's from the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I cannot wait for ROTK to show in cinemas! Here in Manila, it'll probably be shown on January 9, 2004, after the Metro Manila Film Festival. Omigoodness. I can't wait!
X3: X-men 3 currently has a May 5, 2006 opening playdate. Hmmm. Still a long time before it gets shown. They'll start production in 2005. Still far. They're not sure if Bryan Singer will still direct this. But he will definitely still work on the movie even as a producer or consultant. Hugh Jackman is still unsigned as Wolverine but they will try to get him since the production company, Fox, doesn't want to make the movie without Wolverine. Other actors are coming back but Halle Berry might not. Although there are talks that they might make a movie about Storm, Berry's X-men character.
Another film to watch out for me is Troy starring Brad Pitt as Achilles and Orlando Bloom as Prince Paris of Troy. I've always loved Greek mythology and I love watching movies about this. It's one of my greatest dreams to put Iliad and Oddyssey in the big screen, whether as one film or as trilogy or as two movies.
One of the directors that I admire is Steven Soderbergh. He revolutionized the independent film industry and has taken production cinema to a new level by making movies not of the "mainstream level". He's set to direct Ocean's Twelve in 2004 as well as produce several (try 7) other movies. Goodness.
One of my favorite movies still is Ridley Scott's Gladiator. You just gotta admire how the guy tells a story. I never tire of watching the movie, even if it's more than two hours. Russell Crowe was very moving as Maximus. This is one of my favorite movies because Russell Crowe delivered one of his best performances and Ridley Scott told the story in a tremendous way.
posted by Jax @ 4:03:00 AM   |