Saturday, August 16, 2003 |
interview |
Interview questions from Nicoffeine. Took me two hours to answer all this! Dang!
1. who is it that you've had a crush on for the longest time? why does your heart beat for him so? (ahehehe nice phrasing!)
One, si LA Mumar. First year college pa lang crush ko na siya. Actually, I don't like LA, I admire him. I admire his faith and his whole being. Ambait niya kasi tsaka mabuti siyang tao. Showbiz nga lang.
Second, si Paolo. Yes, yes I know. But I think he was really the longest na like, around 3 years. Why? I don't really know. Hanggang ngayon, 2 years after, di ko pa rin alam. I think at that time, I was overwhelmed with love, crushes and all that. I actually thought I was in love with him. I mean, since I really got to know him, you know. But I think at that time I was in love with the thought of love, you know. Besides, it was good to have him as my crush. He gave me something to look forward to whenever I went to school, you know. He wasn't always the most responsive one (that was LA) but he was still a good person and good friend. But there. Ack! I don't want to say anymore.
2. if you could be any high tech electronic device, what would you be and why? (if you want to be specific as to the model, please do so!)
I would be the Nikon Coolpix 5300 (I think. I'm not sure about the model pero yung sa series na yan). Because it captures memories and provides for easy and quick sharing. I think pictures are the greatest way to capture the greatest memories, events and everything in your life. It's also a great way to remember and see the faces of the people and places and things that you never want to forget.
3. what is the one thing a person can do for you to instantly want to kill him?
When that person tries to hurt anyone in my family. They are the most important people in my life. But I do believe that God will take care of all of us. So even if I do want to kill that person, I wouldn't. I'll let God handle him because He'll know what to do.
4. if you could write an article about anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I would want to have an interview with the late President Ferdinand Marcos. He was such an exceptional person and I admire him for his brains and leadership. But I want to ask him why he did what he did and why, if he had "an inclination for greatness", he let Imelda do what she did.
5. which 80's pop icon would you want to trade places with for a day? why did you choose him/her?
Molly Ringwald. When I think of 80s movies, I think of her. I have all of her movies on tape. Well, almost. But I love her. She was the ultimate 80s icon for me. Besides, sarap ng buhay niya noon. She was 16 when she started making lots of money and doing something I would love to do. Besides she got to kiss that gorgeous guy in Sixteen Candles!
New questions! From Nicoffeine and Fullview.
1. if you could only do one indulgent thing (smoke, have sex, drink alcohol, drink caffeinated drinks...) without suffering any bad consequences, what would it be and why?
I would drink alcohol. Because I like it and I can do it anytime I want, with or without anyone with me.
2. what's love got to do with it?
Everything. Love makes the world go round. Cliche as it may sound, I do believe that love makes us get up in the morning. Love makes us do the thing that we do. We may not know it consciously but I believe that love is the secret operator of our lives.
3. if you could raise one person from the dead, who would it be and why?
It would have to be my cousin, Kristine. She died a month before she could turn 18 and I do think that she wasn't able to live the live the life that she was supposed to live: happy and secure. But I believe that God had his reasons. I believe that she is now somewhere happy, where she can really help out other people in need.
4. lets be gender specific... in a man, which body part turns you on the most?
The smile. When the guy I like smiles at me, I melt. He can literally take my blues away.
5. i know your hair's okay, so since when has it been that way and why do you say that?
Ever since I had my hair cut this way, which was 4 years ago this weekend. Why? Because it's wash and wear. I don't even have to brush it. I just wait for it to dry and it comes out better than if it were brushed.
1. If you had the chance to eradicate all the evil in the world which would be your 5 top evil priorities and why? (presupposition that you believe in evil)
I would like to take out pride, envy, greed and prejudice and replace them all with love. I think these evil things are present because of the refusal to love. But God had a reason for this and I can't argue with that.
2. Which woud be harder to be male or female, why?
Female! Two words: menstruation, pregnancy
3. Who is the closest person 'to you' that you hate/dislike most but would rather have not met or known, why?
There are some people that I don't like but I do believe that I met them for a reason. I believe that they are part of the reason why I am who I am today. I've learned a lot from their mistakes and I've learned that whining and complaining will not win you any friends.
4. What will be the most perfect setting for your most intimate encounter, sexual of course and why?
Room by the beach, on my honeymoon. Sun rising over the sea, that has got to be the most romantic setting ever. And I only want to share this moment with my husband.
5. If you had the chance to be a spiritual leader/saint/guru/etc. who and why?
No one in particular. As long as I can speak about God.
As it goes, according to Nicoffeine, 5 questions, you ask me to ask you, i give you five questions, you answer and you ask me back. Comprende?
Right on, dude! |
posted by Jax @ 7:48:00 AM   |