Thursday, July 31, 2003 |
stronger sex |
I had a lot of things to do today. I had a lot of people to call and ask for a lot of information. But I was hit by dysmenorrhea and eventually, it threw the day's schedule off. So I asked my sister to make a few calls for me, which she was willing to do. So thanks to her!
Anyway, to those who know how dysmenorrhea feels like, then you know what I'm talking about. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed and just sleep, which worked, because when I woke up after an hour or two, I was feeling much better. But you know what I realized? I didn't know much about menstrual cramps. I mean, I have it almost every month but I guess I just try to forget about it after it's over that's why I never bother knowing more about it. Well today I did that, researched about it. And what I found out was not good. Check it out here.
Omigoodness. And they say that giving both is at least 10 times worse than this. I don't think I wanna give birth anymore. And I was planning to have four kids! Maybe I'll just adopt. Yes. That's it. I'll adopt. Oh goodness. The pain! Now who's the stronger sex now, huh? :)
For more information about dysmenorrhea, click here. |
posted by Jax @ 5:41:00 AM   |
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 |
God |
I think God is testing my patience right now. But instead of getting angry and all, I surprised myself by feeling sad.
I used to think that I can make everyone I meet a part of my circle of friends but I've learned long ago that that's not true harshly.
But you know what? I think I'm starting to change. When God tested my patience 2 years ago, I used to curse like crazy. I hated everything. I was always depressed, down, impatient, angry and almost everything negative.
But now, when God is testing my patience, it's a reminder that I'm getting lost once again and I'm moving myself away from my faith. He gives me signs and He tells me what to do.
Thank You, Lord. Once again, You showed me how great You truly are. You've showed me once again how I can learn from everything that I come across everyday. I won't make excuses for what I did. I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, Lord. Thank You for showing me the way again, Lord. |
posted by Jax @ 3:02:00 AM   |
Monday, July 28, 2003 |
latest news and muse |
I just found out last night that the famous comedian and film star, Bob Hope, has died of pneumonia at the age of 100.
And on more latest news, while watching BBC news, I found out that Baylor University player Patrick Dennehy has been found in a field after missing for more than six weeks. Carlton Dotson, his teammate, was charged with murder in Dennehy's death. So sad. And he was only 21.
There are a couple of people who have been judging me based on some of my posts here in this blog. I'm sorry you feel that way.
I remember a Weekly Wrap-up question about this that I answered around a month ago. It may not be like that exactly but it's close.
I won't be erasing their comments. Maybe it'll teach me to think of what I say and do. Maybe not. Who knows?
Anyway, there have been people saying that the people behind the coup d'etat threat are idealistic and such and that they applaud their ideals but that it's impossible for that to work. This I have to say. They're not being idealistic, they're being realistic. Yes, their method was not good but at least they thought of their ideals and tried to do something about it. Hindi sila nangangarap. They're just trying to do something about that bulok system that we have.
Maybe if we all stop complaining and start acting, then maybe we can do more than these soldiers did. We can actually make a difference and improve the existing system that we have and make it something that will work for ALL of us. |
posted by Jax @ 8:43:00 PM   |
Checklist for Readiness |
I got this e-mail from Joy, a fellow writer from Rad. It's very touching and inspiring and it encourages me to seek out God even more.
This is the e-mail she sent out.
*Checklist for readiness: (Ephesians 5:11-18)
1. Are you girded with the truth? What's truth for you? We are bombarded with so many things that sometimes, we don't know how to go about with the life that we live. That's why, we should always go back to the "supreme Truth". God's word is a lamp... it illumines the dark path. With God's truth, we can never be deceived. With it, we will know what's black and what's white.
2. Do you have the "breastplate" of righteousness? In the first place, are you right with God? We need to be set apart in this corrupted world. But we always fall short of God's glory, because we still have parts of our fallen nature. But nevertheless, DO NOT STOP! always persevere to be like Christ. Truly, our walk is bounded by grace... because our strength will always fail us. And it is only in our weakness that we will find God's strength.
3. Are you ready to share the Gospel of Peace? Either you or a brother in Christ could be distracted and out focus in his walk when he is indulged in busyness... this happens when we forget to kneel down and commune with Our Father, when we ignore the 'cry of the heart'. This could happen anytime, that's why we need to be sensitive - to the people in our own home, in our work / school...etc. We need to have God's peace in us so that we could be an agent, an extension of God's hand. For we are ambassadors, we are God's representative.
4. Do you have the shield of faith? Why did Jesus savor the presence of children? He would even place them in His lap, talk or even play with them. Because "these little ones" believed. Their hearts are pure and sincere and free of doubts and anxiousness. Have you tried hearing a child's prayer? He leaves everything to God. I hope we would learn to have the faith of the child...
5. Are you wearing the helmet of salvation? What are your fears? What are the aspects of your life that remains "unsaved"? Do you still continue to 'lord' over some aspects of your life? Submit it to God now... He is sovereign - there is nothing that escapes His hand and His power. Let Him reign in your life. You may wonder why God doesn't force you... it's because he waits for you to respond in love. He's after your heart.
6. Have you taken with you the sword of the Spirit? Because satan works double time, we need to be wise. we need to always 'have our sword' with us, because we are engaged in a battle. This is our offensive tool. We need to ALWAYS know and love His word by heart, because only His word could save us against discouragements, against any insecurities... We are - and we should act as WINNERS - because we're children of the Powerful King.
* We need to be prayerful at all times, because we are inefficient. We are always dependent on the Holy Spirit. WE NEED HIM.*
*Ephesians 5:10 - Finally, be strong IN THE LORD, and in the strength of His might.*
*bloom where you're planted... God bless us all!!!*
I hope this also encourages you to seek out God even more. God bless us all!
posted by Jax @ 3:53:00 AM   |
Sunday, July 27, 2003 |
coup d'etat |
As of July 27, 2003, 2:40 this afternoon, a full alert has been issue because there is a threat of a coupd'etat in Metro Manila. Around 10 junior officers are camped out at Oakwood Center, Ayala Avenue, Makati City. More news about it here.
I personally support the cause of the rebel soldiers. I do not support their means of doing it but I nonetheless support their issues. This proves to be a humbling experience for the power greedy government officials in this country.
I'm not really very worried about what will happen regarding the coup. I'm more worried about the fact that, because of this, GMA might declare Martial Law, since she has declared Metro Manila as a state of rebellion.
One thing's for sure, if she does declare Martial Law, her declining popularity among Filipino people will go down even more.
It jsut frustrates me that she's more concerned about the welfare of the Philippines when it comes to foreign relations when she really can't even take care of the Filipino people. Maybe she should pay MORE ATTENTION to the Filipino people than she's giving to foreign affairs.
Basta, Lord, ikaw na ang bahala sa amin. We leave everything up to You, Lord. We know You will take care of us. And that everything that is happening and will happen is all according to Your will.
UPDATE: Around 9:55pm, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has announced that the crisis in Makati and the threat of a coup d'etat is now over. The "rebel soldiers" have stepped down and have "surrendered". According to GMA, they will now be investigated.
Postnote: Can I just say that people are too damn selfish. I've been reading different blogs, getting their take on the coup d'etat subject. And you know why they don't like these "rebel soldiers"? Because they've disrupted their schedules. There were only a few blogs who posted comments that made sense, even if I'm against their stand, and based on logic rather than on emotions. |
posted by Jax @ 12:22:00 AM   |
Friday, July 25, 2003 |
Photos |
If you want to see great photos, I suggest you visit this. Great pictures all the time! |
posted by Jax @ 7:12:00 PM   |
Monday, July 21, 2003 |
updates |
I woke up at 8:30 this morning because of the rain. It's been raining cats and dogs. Don't you just love that expression? Everytime I hear it, I keep expecting cats and dogs to fall out of the sky. Strange, I know. I can't wait for the day when cats and dogs will really fall out of the sky. When that day comes, I hope a beautiful pug will fall out of the sky and into my house. :D
Last Friday, my nephew and godson, Kaleb, turned two years old. You might think, "Ack! Terrible twos!" Let me assure you. That won't happen. Simply because he started terrible twos a year early! Ack!
Well, we celebrated his birthday with a party at Burger King at Timog last Saturday. Even though it was raining hard, a lot of people came and a lot of kids were there to participate in the games. But damn! It was cold! As in, "Brr! I think I'm in the North Pole right now." cold.
Kaleb was so cute. He kept dancing all over the place and, at one point in the party, he just lied down on the floor, on his stomach, drawing. Oh di ba? Voila! He's on his own world na.
Tis my nephew and godson, Joshua Kaleb
My sister and I decided to grab dinner from somewhere, since we were in the Timog-Tomas Morato aread, we decided to pass by Mocha Blends, since my sister hasn't been there yet. The verdict? Try the Australian Beef Stew. It's delish! If you don't like beef, well just share with some who does and just try the pesto rice. Tis good and yummy. Hmmmm. pesto rice."
Oh in other good news. MY Ateneo Blue Eagles won their first game for this season last Sunday, against the University of Santo Tomas Growling Tigers, 69-65, at the Blue Eagles home court, Blue Eagle Gym (BEG). Such a sweet victory. And all I gotta say is: JC Intal, you da man! I'm hoping you were player of the game. I don't know yet coz I watched the game at the BEG and, since I didn't have a TV or radio with me, I don't what the anchors have been saying about the game.
The next Ateneo game will be on Saturday, July 26, against NU BUlldogs, 2p at the BEG once again.
But it was good to watch a live game again. I missed that. I missed cheering for your team and cheering with people who cheer for the same team. I missed cheering the cheers that are ours. I missed Halikinu, Fabilioh, Three Fights, and the Blue Eagle Spelling. And I missed seeing a sea of blue united with one purpose.
Haay. I miss my life in Ateneo. I miss IS, Sanggu, our bench, Manangs. Heck! I even miss walking from the Comm Dept to Bel for my next class within 10 minutes! I miss my life then but I'm still glad for my life now.
I'm feeling lonely and scared nowadays. That hasn't changed. But I'm glad my life is slowly picking up. The highlight of my day? Booktopia has called me for an interview. Will my dream job finally come true? Tune in again to find out!
I did it. I finally did it. I enrolled in a writing workshop. I always thought I wouldn't need it but I do. And it took me years to realize that I am not infallible and I do need to be taught sometimes. Workshop is tentatively scheduled to start this July 29 from 6pm-9pm and will tun every Tuesday. But if not enough participants enroll by July 29, workshop will be moved. Tis ok. I can wait.
I watched Down With Love starring Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger
yesterday and I didn't like it. Why? Story was flawed. There was no transition from Catcher Block who has sex a la carte and the new Catcher Block. Yes. There was Zip Martin in between. But just thought they didn't have chemistry. I think their "romance" was too hurried and didn't leave much room for "development". Peter MacMannus and Vickie Hiller's romance was much better compared to theirs.
There are three things that rocked in the movie though. One: the OST rocked! And I do like Ewan and Renee's duet.
Two: the direction. I liked what Peyton Reed did here. It was like being transported back to the 1960s. From start to finish, it felt like I was in another world.
Three: I envy the production and costume designer of this movie. I bet it was a fun job, designing Barbara Novak and Vickie Hiller's wardrobe. I mean, they had on a different outfit for every scene! Screw it. I wanna be Barbara Novak so I can wear those amazing clothes!
And it was be so much fun to be production designer, too! I mean, designing everything so that it looked like New York City circa 1962. WOW. I especially liked how they designed Barbara Novak's pad. It was white with pink, orange and yellow furniture. It was so pure, so serene, so relaxing. I think I wanna live in a pad like that.
I think I've conditioned myself not to think way too ahead in the future. I'm thinking about my schedule right now and I simply cannot force myself to think about what I'm going to do next week. It seems so far away. Oh well. I don't have to worry about that for now. All I gotta worry about is this week.
Today: finish stuff for Spill.
Wednesday: meet for spill.
thursday: parlor for the works.
friday: booktopia
saturday: nico's 7th birthday.
sunday: padasal and celebrate my lolo's bday?
monday: system error. oh thats next week already. sorry.
In the latest news, Superintendent Reuben Galban is the prime suspect in the escape of Indonesian bomb-maker Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi. Read the article here.
3 people from the local showbiz industry have passed away over the week: Oscar Moreno, Cesar Ramirez andVic Vargas.
posted by Jax @ 10:26:00 PM   |
Friday, July 18, 2003 |
End of the Road |
It's 11:38am and I've been awake for 2 hours and 38 minutes already. But I'm still sleepy. Got home around 12:30am, after the meeting at Beckham in Katipunan but didn't sleep agad. My sister was still awake when I got home and she was watching this really crappy B-movie, Deep Rising, and I remember watching it when it was released in local cinemas a couple of years ago with my sister and 3 cousins. And I remember laughing my ass off at that time. Not because it was a comedy. It was an action film that was supposed to be terrifying. But it was so stupid and I kept laughing at its stupidity. Well the same thing happened last night. I was laughing my ass off because it was so stupid. Well that or the bottles of beer I had for dinner.
Had another meeting for the proposed magazine last night. Don't think I contributed much last night. Wasn't able to have my cup of coffee to help myself think. And I drank several bottles of beer and totally distorted my way of thinking. I think I was actually babbling last night. Nicoffeine, was I?
It's Kaleb's birthday party today. Kaleb is my two-year-old nephew and godson. He turned two yesterday. Yup. Terrible twos. And he started being terrible a couple of months ago already. Hope it wears off soon.
posted by Jax @ 9:21:00 PM   |
Thursday, July 17, 2003 |
latest news |
Well. yesterday, July 17, 2003, the Ateneo Blue Eagles suffered their second straight loss out of two games against FEU. They lost, 73-62. What is happening to my Blue Eagles?! This has been their sloppiest game in 5 years!
Jhobelle, the only daughter that is still alive, is barely breathing at the Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital. Her three sisters (Jhobelle is one of quadruplets) died after being turned away by a hospital because of lack of money. Is that what we've become? Greedy, with the notion that money makes the world go round? These four girls would still be alive today if hospitals were more worried about saving lives than whether every patient has the money to pay for their services.
Flying somewhere? Wanna know what food you'll be eating? According to CNN, you can find out by clicking
I used to admire Richard Gomez before. But now, he's turning out to be pikon, which leads him to backbite and make harsh accusations, like here. That makes him a loser in my book.
Last year, I went to Europe with my mother and had the time of my life. One of the places that I went to that was so beautiful was Brussels in Belgium. It was my first exposure to European architecture and it took my breath away. I remember thinking, I'm definitely not in Manila anymore! If you ever have the opportunity to go to Europe, make sure you pass by Brussels. It is so much worth it! To know more about the city, click here. |
posted by Jax @ 8:46:00 PM   |
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 |
goals |
Things I Want To Do Before I'm 30
1. Be a certified diver.
2. Make at least one box-office hit, or at least a controversial one. ;)
3. Learn to surf.
4. Open a cafe/bookshop.
5. Go bungee-jumping.
6. Go to Spain, Canada and Sweden.
7. Live on my own.
8. Join or attend an international film festival (set in international waters).
9. Publish at least two books. (preferably, at least 1 children's book and 1 fiction)
10. Skydive.
11. Go on a sabbatical to write.
I noticed that I don't seem to have any direction right now. So I thought to myself maybe I should write down what I want to do with my life. And here it is. These are top priorities, things I want to do before I hopefully settle down at 30. There may only be a few but that's because I've already done the other stuff that I want to do.
I have 7+ years to do all this. I can do it. I will do it. |
posted by Jax @ 7:54:00 PM   |
Friday, July 11, 2003 |
musings |
A funny thing happened on our way to the airport yesterday. My sister and I were going to there to pick up our dad when we saw this dark blue Toyota Revo. It was pretty dirty. Can you imagine? It was dirty enough to write something on it. Well, someone did. At the back, that someone "wrote" Hugasan niyo naman ako! (Please wash me!) Winner!
Plug: Check out this new site, Deeper Devotion. Its aimed at students who want to know the Lord more intimately. They have regular articles, forums and journals that you can browse. Go there. Now! |
posted by Jax @ 2:03:00 AM   |
Thursday, July 10, 2003 |
Josh Hartnett |
 Congrats!Your ideal male movie celeb mate is Josh Hartnett! You like those shy guyz who are so cute but it takes them a while to open up!
which is your ideal male movie celeb mate? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, if I could only meet him.
I know! I'll cast him in my movie and the rest will be history... Hihihi...
Goodness! I get so boy crazy every time I talk about Josh Hartnett.
Isn't it obvious, though?
He is just hot!!! |
posted by Jax @ 4:17:00 AM   |
Wednesday, July 09, 2003 |
Blog Hopping |
Went bloghopping awhile ago and this is what I found out
Alba has christened a lovely red possession, Bembol, and debated the "act of procreation" in class.
It's Mela's first day at work!
cha watched Rex Navarette's show a couple of nights ago and I'm inggit!
Jamee has her schedule for her first semester in college already.
Jorizza's folio is now online! check it out.
Abi misses bloghopping because she's been too busy with school.
Ping has a new story up!
Rick has new photos up in his blog.
Trisha is worried about getting older. She's turning 18 tomorrow. Don't forget to greet her! Wait! Is that why you're calling me ate? Why I oughta!
Jo has a new photo up. Is that buddy Christ up there?
Nicoffeine's family has left her home alone. What will she do at home? Find out when you go to her LJ. Hehehe.
Ganns is still fixing his new home, Superblessed.
took this test from Nicoffiene's LJ.
 My Inner Age brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm...25. When i'm only 22.
That can't be right. |
posted by Jax @ 5:55:00 AM   |
Monday, July 07, 2003 |
Superblessed |
Check this out!
Mere Madness is now known as Super Blessed! Go visit the site! You won't regret it. :) |
posted by Jax @ 3:19:00 AM   |
Sunday, July 06, 2003 |
Weekly Wrap-up |
1. Do you like to indulge? Why or why not? How does indulging mean something to you that it might not mean to others?
I like to indulge in cakes and chocolate because it can be satisfying.
2. What is the most indulgent thing you ever bought for yourself? For someone else? Why did you buy it? When I stayed in Makati for 2 nights, I spent around P2500 on books and CDs.
3. A friend or loved one buys you a day of pampering at a local salon. What elements do you most look forward to experiencing? Why? Haircut, Hot oil, Hair tint, Massage, Foot Scrub, Manicure & Pedicure, the works! I rarely get to do this and I'll be able to do this for free! Wow. :)
Labels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 7:08:00 AM   |
Friday, July 04, 2003 |
loco |
I think this weather's making me loco. I just went psycho here. Ack! Visit dawna's blog na lang to know the details. |
posted by Jax @ 7:00:00 AM   |
Thursday, July 03, 2003 |
Thank you |
Thank you for the prayers.
I'm slowly trying to pick myself up and hopefully, in time, I'll be fine.
Praise God. This experience has taught me and bonked me in the head that God knows what's best for me and I should always trust Him. Thank you, God. I pray that after this, I will be stronger than before.
For everyone's information, I will not be leaving for San Francisco this August as earlier planned. Perhaps God still needs me here in Manila. Perhaps He still wants me to do something before I really leave. Whatever it is, I truly don't know. But I trust Him. He knows me more than I do and He knows whats best for me. If that is His Will, then I accept it.
By the way, I've gone back to my writing. I think one thing this experience has taught me is to to never forget our passions in life. I stopped writing for a couple of months and became stagnant. I guess, that's God way of saying I gotta get my groove back before I go somewhere and try to improve it. I mean, how can I improve it if I don't have it, right? Anyway, I've put my writings up
up in another blog. And if you guys want to take a peek, click here. It's not much but it's a start.
posted by Jax @ 2:51:00 AM   |