Tuesday, July 15, 2003 |
goals |
Things I Want To Do Before I'm 30
1. Be a certified diver.
2. Make at least one box-office hit, or at least a controversial one. ;)
3. Learn to surf.
4. Open a cafe/bookshop.
5. Go bungee-jumping.
6. Go to Spain, Canada and Sweden.
7. Live on my own.
8. Join or attend an international film festival (set in international waters).
9. Publish at least two books. (preferably, at least 1 children's book and 1 fiction)
10. Skydive.
11. Go on a sabbatical to write.
I noticed that I don't seem to have any direction right now. So I thought to myself maybe I should write down what I want to do with my life. And here it is. These are top priorities, things I want to do before I hopefully settle down at 30. There may only be a few but that's because I've already done the other stuff that I want to do.
I have 7+ years to do all this. I can do it. I will do it. |
posted by Jax @ 7:54:00 PM   |