Thursday, July 03, 2003 |
Thank you |
Thank you for the prayers.
I'm slowly trying to pick myself up and hopefully, in time, I'll be fine.
Praise God. This experience has taught me and bonked me in the head that God knows what's best for me and I should always trust Him. Thank you, God. I pray that after this, I will be stronger than before.
For everyone's information, I will not be leaving for San Francisco this August as earlier planned. Perhaps God still needs me here in Manila. Perhaps He still wants me to do something before I really leave. Whatever it is, I truly don't know. But I trust Him. He knows me more than I do and He knows whats best for me. If that is His Will, then I accept it.
By the way, I've gone back to my writing. I think one thing this experience has taught me is to to never forget our passions in life. I stopped writing for a couple of months and became stagnant. I guess, that's God way of saying I gotta get my groove back before I go somewhere and try to improve it. I mean, how can I improve it if I don't have it, right? Anyway, I've put my writings up
up in another blog. And if you guys want to take a peek, click here. It's not much but it's a start.
posted by Jax @ 2:51:00 AM   |