Monday, July 28, 2003 |
Checklist for Readiness |
I got this e-mail from Joy, a fellow writer from Rad. It's very touching and inspiring and it encourages me to seek out God even more.
This is the e-mail she sent out.
*Checklist for readiness: (Ephesians 5:11-18)
1. Are you girded with the truth? What's truth for you? We are bombarded with so many things that sometimes, we don't know how to go about with the life that we live. That's why, we should always go back to the "supreme Truth". God's word is a lamp... it illumines the dark path. With God's truth, we can never be deceived. With it, we will know what's black and what's white.
2. Do you have the "breastplate" of righteousness? In the first place, are you right with God? We need to be set apart in this corrupted world. But we always fall short of God's glory, because we still have parts of our fallen nature. But nevertheless, DO NOT STOP! always persevere to be like Christ. Truly, our walk is bounded by grace... because our strength will always fail us. And it is only in our weakness that we will find God's strength.
3. Are you ready to share the Gospel of Peace? Either you or a brother in Christ could be distracted and out focus in his walk when he is indulged in busyness... this happens when we forget to kneel down and commune with Our Father, when we ignore the 'cry of the heart'. This could happen anytime, that's why we need to be sensitive - to the people in our own home, in our work / school...etc. We need to have God's peace in us so that we could be an agent, an extension of God's hand. For we are ambassadors, we are God's representative.
4. Do you have the shield of faith? Why did Jesus savor the presence of children? He would even place them in His lap, talk or even play with them. Because "these little ones" believed. Their hearts are pure and sincere and free of doubts and anxiousness. Have you tried hearing a child's prayer? He leaves everything to God. I hope we would learn to have the faith of the child...
5. Are you wearing the helmet of salvation? What are your fears? What are the aspects of your life that remains "unsaved"? Do you still continue to 'lord' over some aspects of your life? Submit it to God now... He is sovereign - there is nothing that escapes His hand and His power. Let Him reign in your life. You may wonder why God doesn't force you... it's because he waits for you to respond in love. He's after your heart.
6. Have you taken with you the sword of the Spirit? Because satan works double time, we need to be wise. we need to always 'have our sword' with us, because we are engaged in a battle. This is our offensive tool. We need to ALWAYS know and love His word by heart, because only His word could save us against discouragements, against any insecurities... We are - and we should act as WINNERS - because we're children of the Powerful King.
* We need to be prayerful at all times, because we are inefficient. We are always dependent on the Holy Spirit. WE NEED HIM.*
*Ephesians 5:10 - Finally, be strong IN THE LORD, and in the strength of His might.*
*bloom where you're planted... God bless us all!!!*
I hope this also encourages you to seek out God even more. God bless us all!
posted by Jax @ 3:53:00 AM   |