Monday, July 21, 2003 |
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I woke up at 8:30 this morning because of the rain. It's been raining cats and dogs. Don't you just love that expression? Everytime I hear it, I keep expecting cats and dogs to fall out of the sky. Strange, I know. I can't wait for the day when cats and dogs will really fall out of the sky. When that day comes, I hope a beautiful pug will fall out of the sky and into my house. :D
Last Friday, my nephew and godson, Kaleb, turned two years old. You might think, "Ack! Terrible twos!" Let me assure you. That won't happen. Simply because he started terrible twos a year early! Ack!
Well, we celebrated his birthday with a party at Burger King at Timog last Saturday. Even though it was raining hard, a lot of people came and a lot of kids were there to participate in the games. But damn! It was cold! As in, "Brr! I think I'm in the North Pole right now." cold.
Kaleb was so cute. He kept dancing all over the place and, at one point in the party, he just lied down on the floor, on his stomach, drawing. Oh di ba? Voila! He's on his own world na.
Tis my nephew and godson, Joshua Kaleb
My sister and I decided to grab dinner from somewhere, since we were in the Timog-Tomas Morato aread, we decided to pass by Mocha Blends, since my sister hasn't been there yet. The verdict? Try the Australian Beef Stew. It's delish! If you don't like beef, well just share with some who does and just try the pesto rice. Tis good and yummy. Hmmmm. pesto rice."
Oh in other good news. MY Ateneo Blue Eagles won their first game for this season last Sunday, against the University of Santo Tomas Growling Tigers, 69-65, at the Blue Eagles home court, Blue Eagle Gym (BEG). Such a sweet victory. And all I gotta say is: JC Intal, you da man! I'm hoping you were player of the game. I don't know yet coz I watched the game at the BEG and, since I didn't have a TV or radio with me, I don't what the anchors have been saying about the game.
The next Ateneo game will be on Saturday, July 26, against NU BUlldogs, 2p at the BEG once again.
But it was good to watch a live game again. I missed that. I missed cheering for your team and cheering with people who cheer for the same team. I missed cheering the cheers that are ours. I missed Halikinu, Fabilioh, Three Fights, and the Blue Eagle Spelling. And I missed seeing a sea of blue united with one purpose.
Haay. I miss my life in Ateneo. I miss IS, Sanggu, our bench, Manangs. Heck! I even miss walking from the Comm Dept to Bel for my next class within 10 minutes! I miss my life then but I'm still glad for my life now.
I'm feeling lonely and scared nowadays. That hasn't changed. But I'm glad my life is slowly picking up. The highlight of my day? Booktopia has called me for an interview. Will my dream job finally come true? Tune in again to find out!
I did it. I finally did it. I enrolled in a writing workshop. I always thought I wouldn't need it but I do. And it took me years to realize that I am not infallible and I do need to be taught sometimes. Workshop is tentatively scheduled to start this July 29 from 6pm-9pm and will tun every Tuesday. But if not enough participants enroll by July 29, workshop will be moved. Tis ok. I can wait.
I watched Down With Love starring Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger
yesterday and I didn't like it. Why? Story was flawed. There was no transition from Catcher Block who has sex a la carte and the new Catcher Block. Yes. There was Zip Martin in between. But just thought they didn't have chemistry. I think their "romance" was too hurried and didn't leave much room for "development". Peter MacMannus and Vickie Hiller's romance was much better compared to theirs.
There are three things that rocked in the movie though. One: the OST rocked! And I do like Ewan and Renee's duet.
Two: the direction. I liked what Peyton Reed did here. It was like being transported back to the 1960s. From start to finish, it felt like I was in another world.
Three: I envy the production and costume designer of this movie. I bet it was a fun job, designing Barbara Novak and Vickie Hiller's wardrobe. I mean, they had on a different outfit for every scene! Screw it. I wanna be Barbara Novak so I can wear those amazing clothes!
And it was be so much fun to be production designer, too! I mean, designing everything so that it looked like New York City circa 1962. WOW. I especially liked how they designed Barbara Novak's pad. It was white with pink, orange and yellow furniture. It was so pure, so serene, so relaxing. I think I wanna live in a pad like that.
I think I've conditioned myself not to think way too ahead in the future. I'm thinking about my schedule right now and I simply cannot force myself to think about what I'm going to do next week. It seems so far away. Oh well. I don't have to worry about that for now. All I gotta worry about is this week.
Today: finish stuff for Spill.
Wednesday: meet for spill.
thursday: parlor for the works.
friday: booktopia
saturday: nico's 7th birthday.
sunday: padasal and celebrate my lolo's bday?
monday: system error. oh thats next week already. sorry.
In the latest news, Superintendent Reuben Galban is the prime suspect in the escape of Indonesian bomb-maker Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi. Read the article here.
3 people from the local showbiz industry have passed away over the week: Oscar Moreno, Cesar Ramirez andVic Vargas.
posted by Jax @ 10:26:00 PM   |