Tuesday, May 30, 2006 |
AI Best and Worst Performances |
10. Bucky Covington, Superstition This is, I believe, Bucky's performance that made me believe he was good enough to be in the finals. He performed well in the semifinals but that was because he did his own thing from his comfort zone. This time he did his own thing with a Stevie Wonder song. And it wasn't so bad.
9. Gedeon McKinney, When A Man Loves A Woman I wanted Gedeon to be part of the Top 12. And why not with this performance? He, together with Paris Bennett, set himself apart from the other teenagers in the Top 24 and told us he was ready for the big guns. Too bad a lot of people didn't think so. I hope to hear more from him in the future though.
8. Paris Bennett, These Foolish Things Classic. I have this on repeat. This is the stuff she should include in her album.
7. Katherine McPhee, Come Rain Or Come Shine This is, IMO, who Katherine really is.
6. Taylor Hicks, Livin' For The City This is just the start of things to come.
5. Paris Bennett, Fever Everybody, I believe, was blown away by this performance, including Barry Manilow. Who would have thought such a small girl can have such a big voice?
4. Elliott Yamin, A Song For You This is the performance that made everyone stand up and take notice of him.
3. Mandisa, I'm Every Woman I loved Mandisa in the semifinals but forgot about her during the finals because, I believe, she didn't give stronger performances.
2. Elliott Yamin, Trouble Simon Cowell said it. With this performance, Elliott showed star power. He wasn't able to top this performance but it gave him the confidence he needed and he realized that he can actually do it.
1. Taylor Hicks, You're Beautiful This was the performance that sealed it for me. When he sang this during the Top 3 week, I knew he was going to win it all. You know how some people can describe a great performance technically? I was at a loss for words with this one. It was just so great that it just took my breath away. And it definitely was his best performance in the competition.
10. Bobby Bennett, Copacabana Copacabana? It may be a good song. But it's not for AI.
9. David Radford, The Way You Look Tonight I love this song. But Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra, you are not.
8. Paris Bennett, How Do I Live This was her only performance where I felt she was uncomfortable singing it.
7. Chris Daughtry, A Little Less Conversation He was flat until about 5 seconds before the song ended. What could be worse than that? His ridiculously transparent shirt. Eww.
6. Katherine McPhee, Can't Help Falling In Love She oversang it. Nuff said.
5. Melissa McGhee, Lately I like this girl's voice but she forgot her lyrics. Unforgivable.
4. Katherine McPhee, My Destiny She was just all over the place, man.
3. Kellie Pickler, Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered In Kellie's own words, she "butchered it". She did. She didn't want to sing the song and we all felt it.
2. Kellie Pickler, Unchained Melody She was off-key throughout almost the entire song. It was just painful to hear.
1. Ace Young, We Will Rock You No one ever chooses to perform "We Will Rock You" and jazzes it up. Never. Because it never should be done. Because this is Queen and this is "We Will Rock You". Got that? Good.
These are mine. What are yours?Labels: american idol |
posted by Jax @ 2:29:00 AM   |
Friday, May 26, 2006 |
Da Vinci Code |
I do agree. Da Vinci Code should be banned! The reason according to this article.
 Click the image for a larger version.Labels: movies |
posted by Jax @ 9:33:00 PM   |
Thursday, May 25, 2006 |
Finally. After 4 months, we are down to the final two: Taylor "SOUL PATROL" Hicks and Katherine "MCPHEEVER" McPhee.
And I disagree with Rickey and Ganns. I don't think it's the "worst finale ever". Although it is a very weak one, especially compared to last year's finale with Carrie Underwood and Bo Bice.
It had its moments, yeah, the good and the bad. But overall, it wasn't so bad.
Katherine performed "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" from the Billboard Week and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" from the Top 3 week. It was okay. It wasn't so bad but it didn't really blow me away. She didn't bring anything new to the performance and, although the judges liked it, I'm not a fan of the performance. It was just okay for me. Actually, I think the problem is the fact it doesn't really belong in a FINALE. This is the finale and she didn't blow me away with those performance.
Then she performed her single "My Destiny". And I remembered why I grew tired of the McPheever. She came off across as another young female pop star and didn't really offer anything different from Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson. And the song didn't help her at all. It seemed like she couldn't find the right key and she was just all over the place. It's a bit unfair, really, because she is a good singer. But she wasn't given a good song.
In the end, even though Katherine is a good singer, her main problem is that she overthinks her performance instead of just belting them out. She's too much in a hurry to become a diva when she hasn't quite handled it well yet. Even though her mom is a voice coach, she still needs to train and she still needs more time to hone her voice. Although if she releases a CD now, people will definitely buy it if only to hear her singing voice. But if she doesn't try to learn more, she won't last in the business.
I said it last week. I honestly believe that Taylor Hicks should win this year's American Idol because he is the total package. He may be hard to market but he will always try to give you no less than his best performance because that's who he is: a born singer and performer.
For the finale, Taylor performed "Livin' For The City" from the Stevie Wonder Week and "Levon" from the 1st semifinals week. I enjoyed his performance of "Livin' For The City" because it was obvious he was enjoying his performance. It will be really awesome to watch him perform live. "Levon" was calmer and not as enjoyable as the first one but it was still cool. Coz it was Taylor you know?
Then he performed his single "Do I Make You Proud". It was a great Taylor performance but the song was so cheesy. It would have been really better, as suggested by an AI fan, if they had written the songs they would perform for the finale. But that would be hard for the "first-time singers" and, especially, the younger contestants. But that would have separated the serious ones from the ones just playing.
Anyway, back to Taylor. The reason I love Taylor is that he doesn't just sing the song. He sings and belts it out. He doesn't think. He just does it. And Simon said it himself. Taylor will be the next American Idol.
The show started with last year's American Idol, Carrie Underwood, singing a song with the Top 12. Nice way to start the show. Although, when the Top 12 started coming out, I thought I was seeing things. Is that Jennifer Hudson? Oh, sorry. It's Paris Bennett with big hair.
Do you really want me to enumerate all the performances?
LOWLIGHTS 1. Katherine McPhee and Meatloaf. Okay. I read about the next performances in several AI information websites including several blogs and I could not believe my eyes. I mean, c'mon. Meatloaf? I thought he's "quit the business". Apparently not. I pity Katherine coz she had to perform with him and it wasn't a very good performance. But I have to hand it to Meatloaf. He still "gives his all" when performing. I thought he was gonna have a heart attack right then and there. Geez.
2. Taylor Hicks and Toni Braxton. Taylor performed "In The Ghetto" again. And the producers should have left him doing a solo because it was pretty useless bringing in Toni Braxton when you can't even hear a word she said because her voice was so low! Such a sad thing that the Top 2 finalists' performances with special guest stars were not very good. Not good at all.
3. Golden Idol Awards for Outstanding Female Vocal. That was just downright insulting. At least the one for Outstanding Male Vocal was funny because Crazy Dave (remember Crazy Dave) won the award and he showed up to receive the award!
HIGHLIGHTS 1. Paris performing with Al Jarreau. This girl is gonna go far, I tell ya. With talent like that, it'll be a bad thing if it gets passed up.
2. Top 6 boys performing and Taylor Hicks with a harmonica! I've been waiting for the harmonica to make an appearance since they announced the Top 24! Finally!
3. Elliott Yamin with Mary J. Blige performing "One". I like Mary J. Blige but I'm not really a fan, even when Paris sang her song "Be Without You". But after seeing the video of "One" with U2, I am buying me her CD!
4. Top 6 girls performing. It was great to see the other girls again, especially Mandisa.
5. Carrie Underwood performing her new single "Don't Forget To Remember Me". She shows us once again why she won American Idol last year.
6. Chris Daughtry with Live performing their new single, "Mystery". Chris and the lead singer (I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with Live so I don't know his name) could pass for twins.
7. The Top 12 performing with Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick.
At the start of the show, Ryan Seacrest started griping about their lack of awards. Hence, the Golden Idol Awards. And the winners are: 1. Outstanding Female Vocal: Princess Brewer 2. Outstanding Male Vocal: Crazy Dave 3. Proudest Family Moment: Claudette Yamin. She's such a sweet mom. I admire her for the lengths she will go to just to be able to support Elliott. 4. Randy Jackson Award for Public Speaking: Rhonetta Johnson, who couldn't be there so she had a Thank You speech "via satellite". 5. Best Impersonation: Michael Sandecki as Clay Aiken, with a surprise performance by Clay Aiken himself! 6. Best Male Bonding: Brokenote Cowboys, with a performance from them.
Ryan also introduced another segment especially for Idol, "Puck 'n' Pickler", where Wolfgang Puck introduced exotic dishes to Kellie Pickler. In the first segment, Puck introduced the intricacies of escargot to Kellie. And Kellie, being who she is, refused to eat the snails, forcing Puck to "feed" her the snails, which she proceeded to "transfer" to her table napkin. Smooth, Pickler. But hella funny. And in the second segment, Kellie was introducted to shanghai lobsters. Kellie's being a good sport about all this. It's very obvious that the producers are doing this segment that's making fun of her for the ratings. And I don't think she minds. But it was funny. She actually fell off her seat when the food server came out with the live lobsters. Haha!
But there are only two performances in the whole show that is really noteworthy.
1. PRINCE. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, out walks Prince in all his prince-ly glory. Amazing. After almost two decades, he is still the best! And did you notice? When Ryan was walking towards, him, he turned around and left. Haha!
2. And, of course, the performance of his single of the newly crowned American Idol, Taylor Hicks. It was actually quite anti-climactic since everybody knew Taylor was gonna win this competition. But I still was quite nervous for him. But yey! Taylor Hicks is the new American Idol!
CONGRATULATIONS, TAYLOR HICKS!Labels: american idol, tv |
posted by Jax @ 8:38:00 PM   |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 |
Ten Simple Pleasures |
Ten Simple Pleasures
Instructions: Name ten of life’s simple pleasures that you like the most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.
1. Drinking coffee 2. Videoke 3. Discovering a great singer 4. Going on a vacation 5. Waking up knowing I don't have anything planned for that day except to relax 6. Being pampered at Nurture Spa (I just love it there!) 7. Customers who leave us with positive comments 8. Chocolate is always a simple pleasure! 9. Watching a good movie. 10. Shoes! (Okay, it's not that simple coz it can get really expensive but I'm a girl. What can I do?)
Tagging: Aura, Buccih, Cha, Con, Katz, Monch, Mela, Tito Lits, Trish, VikkicarLabels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 1:46:00 AM   |
Friday, May 19, 2006 |
Reality TV Updates |
Reality TV Updates
I. Elliott Yamin
I think it's no secret that I am rooting for Elliott to win this year's American Idol. He's a nice guy, a soulful guy and a great singer. Elliott is an old-fashioned soul singer. The kind of singer that relies mostly on their great voices to capture an audience rather than their stage antics. And I think that's what he did. He performed and showed everyone he had a great voice and they should vote based on that. But I don't know. People now are more restless and it's gonna take a lot more than just a great voice to keep the attention of the people. Admittedly, this isn't his best week (it's still Elvis week) but he did do a good job. But just good. Will it be enough to reach the finals?
"Open Arms" by Journey
When I found out Clive Davis chose this for him, I was very surprised. It's a good song but not something that commands attention with its overly simplistic melody. So I guess that's the challenge. Did he rise to the occasion? Not really. It was good, simple. But that was it. This was a far cry from last week's performance.
"What You Won't Do For Love" by Bobby Caldwell
Another cheesy song picked by Paula Abdul. It's like they're not giving Elliott a chance to shine here. It was okay. Best of all his performances last night but that really doesn't say much.
"I Believe To My Soul" by Ray Charles
It was a good song. Really fit him well. But very disjointed. It didn't connect well with the audience and Elliott didn't really grab their attention.
When it matters the most, Elliott didn't deliver. I love you, Elliott, but I don't think you're gonna make it to next week. Althouh I hope you will coz I'd love to see the soul brothers duke it out in the finals!
II. Katherine McPhee
"I Believe I Can Fly" by R. Kelly
Vocals, good. Performance, okay. Over-the-top, oh yeah. It would have been good if, like Randy said, she didn't go overboard with it. That's the problem with Kat, that's why I think she won't win, she worries too much about trying to impress everybody with her big voice that she just forgets to have fun. The pressure's on and she's feeling it and we're all feeling it.
"Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Great performance from her. It even surpassed what I believe is her best performance Freedom (Think). Great. Just great.
"I've Got Nothin' But The Blues" by Ella Fitzgerald
Okay performance but boring. It felt bitin, like it ended before it even began for me.
III. Taylor Hicks
"Dancing in the Dark" by Bruce Springsteen
A Taylor Hicks of a song by The Boss, I can't wait! Or maybe I can. I agree with Simon, though, it was pale in comparison to the original. But c'mon, if we always thought that then nothing will be able to live up to it. As a Taylor Hicks performance, it was okay though. A bit flat but Taylor was just great. And what is up with dancing with Paula and then just leaving her? Did he forget? Or did she drive him away? Who knows?
"Try A Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding
For the Soul Patrol, he said. Soul Patrol, indeed, coz it was a very relaxed performance and so free of pressure. A performance that I welcome because it's all about having fun and just doing what he loves: performing.
"You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
The thing about Taylor is he's best seen AND heard and not just heard. I listened to the mp3 first and couldn't get into it. But when I watched his performance, I swear, I had tears in my eyes. It was just amazing. The original song is good but boring. And Taylor, he just brought in an amazing performance that just blew me away. It still surprises me how great it was. It was just so sincere and so full of emotions. I know I said that he had great performances before but he's not performed his best performance yet. Well this is it. This is his best performance so far. It's ironic how, as a performer, his greatest performance is when he sits still and just sings the song. But it is. With Taylor, it's all about the music and you feel it in this performance. And for this reason alone, as much as I love Elliott, I honestly believe that Taylor Hicks deserves it win it all in this year's American Idol. Because anything, otherwise, fails in comparison to him.
I'd like to say that Katherine will be gone after this. But after Elliott's lackluster performance, his voter fans will have to work twice as hard to vote for him. But it'll be great to see the soul brothers duke it out in the finals next week.
As for Taylor, it's a given. He'll advance to the finals and eventually win it all because he is just an amazing performer. Elliott and Katherine are nothing compared to him.
Even though I expect it, it still breaks my heart to see Elliott go. *sniff* I look forward to hearing from him again and I look forward to buying his CD when it comes out.
As for next week, Kat has to work thrice, even four times, as hard to even try to match Taylor's performances. I think it's gonna be a dud, like Season 3. Just like Diana, I don't think Kat can match up to Taylor. I think we know who the winner is even before the show starts.
American Idol Season 5: Encores CD is coming out next week in the US. Songs included are as follows (in random order):
1. What About Love - Melissa McGhee 2. When I Fall In Love - Kevin Covais 3. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours - Lisa Tucker 4. I'm Every Woman - Mandisa 5. Superstition - Bucky Covington 6. Father Figure - Ace Young 7. Walkin' After Midnight - Kellie Pickler 8. Midnight Train To Georgia - Paris Bennett 9. Wanted (Dead or Alive) - Chris Daughtry 10. Moody's Mood For Love - Elliott Yamin 11. Freedom (Think) - Katherine McPhee 12. Takin' It To The Streets - Taylor Hicks
What do you think of the song selections? Are you satisfied with it? Or are you thinking of a different song for your Idol?
The hippies won! The hippies won! The hippies won! Yey!
The hippies won The Amazing Race 9! And the clincher? They won for their brains. Yeah!
The season finale started with three teams: BJ & Tyler, Eric & Jeremy and Ray & Yolanda (in that order).
Episode Highlights: 1. Jeremy complaining that the hippies are "playing dirty now" when Tyler tried to lie to him at the 3rd ride about the seeing the clue at the 2nd ride at Fujikyu Highlands. Yeah. And what do you call what you did when you cancelled the cabs of the other teams? Fair play? That's not dirty, Jeremy, that's calling it even.
2. FUJIKYU HIGHLANDS! Now I want to go to Japan more than ever just so I can ride all those rides!
3. The Capsule Hotel in Japan. Ray described it perfectly, "It's like a prison in here". Yup. A prison with a soft bed, pillows, blankets, AC, food and drinks at your disposal and a downtown location. Not bad. *wink*
4. Flights. Twice, all teams caught up with each other (first one at Taipei to Anchorage, the next one at Anchorage to Denver), giving everyone equal footing.
5. Kincaid Park Chalet, Anchorage, Alaska. The hippies passing by the snow shoes that they needed TWICE! The snow must have clouded their visions. Hehe.
6. The last Roadblock. And it all comes down to brains. The challenge was frustrating. Even I don't know all of the flags of all the countries they went to and I do think it's gonna take me awhile to compelete that task. I think it was just really bad luck for Eric & Jeremy. From coming in first or second in most of the legs in the race, and when it mattered the most, the number 2 was in their future. Too bad for them. But great for the hippies, coz they won! They won! Yey!Labels: american idol, elliott yamin, katherine mcphee, reality tv, taylor hicks, the amazing race, tv |
posted by Jax @ 3:15:00 AM   |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 |
American Idol Top 3 |
Season 5 of American Idol is nearing its end now (May 24 and 25 will be the final telecast dates in Asia). So bear with me. All of my posts the next two weeks will probably be about AI.
Song choices are out! Well at least the ones chosen by the judges and Clive Davis. For Taylor Hicks: "Dancing in the Dark" by the Boss, Bruce Springsteen (Clive Davis) "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker (Randy Jackson)
For Elliott Yamin "Open Arms" by Journey (Clive Davis) "What You Won't Do Do For Love" by Bobby Caldwell (Paula Abdul)
For Katherine McPhee: "I Believe I Can Fly" by R. Kelly (Clive Davis) "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" (Simon Cowell)
I'm still trying to find out the Top 3 personal song choices.
What do you think of the songs? Are they fitting? Will they bring out the best in our Top 3?
I'm a little hesitant about these song choices. I'm not sure whether they'll bring out winning performances in our finalists. I guess that's the challenge. Personally I can't wait to watch the show this week!
Go Elliott!
tags: American Idol, Elliott Yamin, Taylor Hicks, Katherine McPheeLabels: american idol, tv |
posted by Jax @ 4:47:00 AM   |
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 |
Shocking? |
The top 4 tackle Elvis songs this week. And it seems only one is safe: Taylor Hicks. Everyone knows this is his zone.
And he did deliver. Performing "Jailhouse Rock" and "In The Ghetto", he delivered amazing performances. There were some unsure moments, yes, but over-all, he did pull off a good performance. I don't think it's his best performance (I honestly believe he hasn't delivered his best performance yet) but it was very entertaining and very Taylor.
Next up was Chris Daughtry. I'm sorry but I do not get the Chris hype. He can sing, yeah, but he's so boring! With that same bored look in his eyes and that same screaming voice, I do not get the hype. And he sang "Suspicious Minds", which was forgettable, and "A Little Less Conversation" (one of the Elvis songs I like), which was a mostly flat performance. In fact, JPL from Season 3 gave us a better performance of "A Little Less Conversation" during his time. And, after watching the performance again, it seems like he's trying to seduce the audience with his performance and it's just falling flat. No. Just no.
Up next was my boy, Elliott! I think it's quite obvious that I am rooting for Elliott to win this year's American Idol. And with performances like those, why shouldn't he be? I agree with Simon. Elliott was the underdog and he's come out fighting. When I knew he was part of the top 4 and they were doing Elvis, I was a bit worried for him because I wasn't sure if he could pull it off. And I was extra worried because he was the one who had the most to lose because, let's face it (no, jaq, stop denying and face it), he's the one with the weakest fanbase out of all four of them. So he had to work extra, extra hard to make sure that he is safe once again. Well, did you watch him? His performances of "I Can Dream" and "Trouble" was amazing. In fact, it was the best performance of the night and, at the same time, I think he replaced "A Song For You" and "Moody's Mood For Love" with "Trouble" for his best performance ever. It's amazing how much Elliott has improved over the weeks.
Last was Katherine McPhee and, honey, I love you but I'm not loving your performances. What happened? Your last great performance was when you sang "Someone To Watch Over Me" three weeks ago. Your first performance ("Hound Dog"/"All Shook Up") was okay but your bouncing hair distracted me from your performance. And the second one ("Can't Help Falling In Love") was just awful. It's like you were afraid people were going to forget you could reach high notes and tried to sneak it in as much as possible. But it just didn't work. I won't be surprised if you go home tomorrow, my dear, after that. I hope not, though.
My Predictions: 1. Bottom Two (based on performances) - Chris and Katherine, with Katherine going home. 2. Bottom Two (based on fanbase) - Katherine and Elliott, with Elliott going home. 3. Bottom Two (based on what I want) - Katherine and Chris, with Chris going home.
I hope it's gonna be number 3.
SPOILERS! in case you haven't watched the results show yet
It's number 3! It's number 3! It's number 3! It's number 3!
Chris is gone! Yes! My top 3 IS the top 3! Yes!
I'm so happy! I'm deliriously happy!
tags:American Idol, tvLabels: american idol, tv |
posted by Jax @ 10:35:00 PM   |
Sunday, May 07, 2006 |
Updates |
Remember this? I made some suggestions for theme nights and they did three from the list! There's the Queen Week, Billboard Hits Week and Elvis Week. Hehe. I'm not saying that they took the suggestions from here. Wala lang. Fun.
I was disappointed with last week's show. It was boring once again although with some great performances. I was so nervous during the results show though! And even though I like Paris, I'm still glad Elliott's there!
Next week is Elvis night. Wonder what songs they'll sing.
Another show that just debuted on AXN is Supernatural. It was pretty freaky! I couldn't sleep afterwards. And I think, prematurely, one show to look forward to every week.Labels: american idol, tv |
posted by Jax @ 1:08:00 AM   |