Wednesday, May 10, 2006 |
Shocking? |
The top 4 tackle Elvis songs this week. And it seems only one is safe: Taylor Hicks. Everyone knows this is his zone.
And he did deliver. Performing "Jailhouse Rock" and "In The Ghetto", he delivered amazing performances. There were some unsure moments, yes, but over-all, he did pull off a good performance. I don't think it's his best performance (I honestly believe he hasn't delivered his best performance yet) but it was very entertaining and very Taylor.
Next up was Chris Daughtry. I'm sorry but I do not get the Chris hype. He can sing, yeah, but he's so boring! With that same bored look in his eyes and that same screaming voice, I do not get the hype. And he sang "Suspicious Minds", which was forgettable, and "A Little Less Conversation" (one of the Elvis songs I like), which was a mostly flat performance. In fact, JPL from Season 3 gave us a better performance of "A Little Less Conversation" during his time. And, after watching the performance again, it seems like he's trying to seduce the audience with his performance and it's just falling flat. No. Just no.
Up next was my boy, Elliott! I think it's quite obvious that I am rooting for Elliott to win this year's American Idol. And with performances like those, why shouldn't he be? I agree with Simon. Elliott was the underdog and he's come out fighting. When I knew he was part of the top 4 and they were doing Elvis, I was a bit worried for him because I wasn't sure if he could pull it off. And I was extra worried because he was the one who had the most to lose because, let's face it (no, jaq, stop denying and face it), he's the one with the weakest fanbase out of all four of them. So he had to work extra, extra hard to make sure that he is safe once again. Well, did you watch him? His performances of "I Can Dream" and "Trouble" was amazing. In fact, it was the best performance of the night and, at the same time, I think he replaced "A Song For You" and "Moody's Mood For Love" with "Trouble" for his best performance ever. It's amazing how much Elliott has improved over the weeks.
Last was Katherine McPhee and, honey, I love you but I'm not loving your performances. What happened? Your last great performance was when you sang "Someone To Watch Over Me" three weeks ago. Your first performance ("Hound Dog"/"All Shook Up") was okay but your bouncing hair distracted me from your performance. And the second one ("Can't Help Falling In Love") was just awful. It's like you were afraid people were going to forget you could reach high notes and tried to sneak it in as much as possible. But it just didn't work. I won't be surprised if you go home tomorrow, my dear, after that. I hope not, though.
My Predictions: 1. Bottom Two (based on performances) - Chris and Katherine, with Katherine going home. 2. Bottom Two (based on fanbase) - Katherine and Elliott, with Elliott going home. 3. Bottom Two (based on what I want) - Katherine and Chris, with Chris going home.
I hope it's gonna be number 3.
SPOILERS! in case you haven't watched the results show yet
It's number 3! It's number 3! It's number 3! It's number 3!
Chris is gone! Yes! My top 3 IS the top 3! Yes!
I'm so happy! I'm deliriously happy!
tags:American Idol, tvLabels: american idol, tv |
posted by Jax @ 10:35:00 PM   |