The Met |
The Metropolitan Theatre Guild Foundation is the newest theatre company in Manila founded by art enthusiasts and aficionados. They dare you to believe and dream with them. The 2004 season starts off with a production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream this July 2004.
A new theatre company has emerged once again. This time being different, since I know the people behind the company. It's really sad that no matter how the artists try, they still don't get the credit that they deserve. But I do admire artists and their never-ending fight to raise the art level to higher high. I just hope people start to develop a more open mind about the arts scene. |
posted by Jax @ 12:29:00 AM   |
Sunday, June 20, 2004 |
Adieu for now |
For the next two weeks, posts will be scarce as I will be leaving for Cebu tomorrow morning, come back on the 28th and leave for Malaysia and Singapore on the 30th.
I will see you all when I get back. ;) |
posted by Jax @ 10:31:00 PM   |
In 19 days, UAAP Season 67 will open at the Big Dome. The Blue Eagles has a good line-up with three people at the point position but, with luck reversed, no legit center. The Green Archers have an intact line-up from last year. They only lost around three players to the pros. UE lost their two best players to the pros. UST's line-up is still pretty much intact but has been having trouble regaining the status they once had.
I don't have too much info about the teams yet and I don't want to make any comments just yet. |
posted by Jax @ 10:24:00 PM   |
Saturday, June 19, 2004 |
posted by Jax @ 5:17:00 PM   |
Friday, June 18, 2004 |
Season 67 and the Future |
Well, apparently, BJ Manalo will be donning the blue-and-white jersey this coming UAAP Season 67. Am I happy about it? I could be. But I know I really don't care. Besides, it's too early to tell. I gotta seem him deliver first.
Sometimes, I think here is not where my future lies. That my future lies somewhere else. Where? I don't know. In Davao? Tagaytay? Cebu? Singapore? London? Italy? San Francisco? Prague?
It's somewhere. I just don't know where it is right now. |
posted by Jax @ 7:32:00 PM   |
This Day |
I lost my temper today. And over a really small thing. And I hate it, that feeling. Right now, I have a headache because of it. |
posted by Jax @ 4:32:00 AM   |
Tuesday, June 15, 2004 |
Gmail |
I've got Google Mail invites. Anyone want one?
For those who don't know about this yet, Google mail offers four things:
1. Google search - If you're looking for a certain message, all you gotta do is search for it.
2. 1GB of message storage - Nuff said.
3. Groups - each message is grouped with all the replies and displayed as a conversation.
4. No pop-ups and untargetted banners.
So who's up for it? It's a first-come, first-served invitation. :)
And convince me why I should I give it to you. And of course, priority goes to my regular visitors. :) |
posted by Jax @ 10:25:00 PM   |
From Braces to Parents... |
Have you had braces?
Nope. Just retainers.
Do you pluck your eyebrows?
When I remember to
Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
On purpose? No.
Could you live without a computer?
No matter how much I try to pretend, I can't live without my Jude, my PC.
Do you drink enough water?
Yup, I always try to.
Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
I wear slippers.
What is your favorite fruit?
What is your favorite place to visit?
Moviehouse, bookstore, another country, Tagaytay, Starbucks, any coffeeshop
Are you photogenic?
I think I am.
Do you dream in color or black and white?
I dream in color.
Why do you take surveys?
Because I want to feed my ego... hehe... who knows why I do it? I just do.
Where do you get your surveys?
This one I got from Tina via Friendster. I usually get surveys from other people's blogs/LJs, Friendster or emails.
Do you drink alcohol?
Give me my beer!
What is the most beautiful language?
Tagalog (not slang), Italian and, no matter what they say, French. You wouldn't know someone was cursing you in French because it sounds so beautiful.
Do you want to live to be 100?
If that's what God wants for me...
Is a flat stomach important to you?
It would be nice but it's not important.
Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?
Yup, as long as it doesn't trample on other people's beliefs.
Do you believe in magic?
Do you think you can draw well?
I can draw stick figures. Does that count?
Do you like to watch cartoons?
At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
The thought of Santa Claus was never really practiced in our house. But at first I think I believed in Santa Claus but he only went to the countries that had snow and we didn't have snow so he didn't go here. I think I stopped believing Santa Claus existed when I was 8 or 9 when we started sort of discussing him in school.
Do you sleep more on your back, front or side?
I sleep on my side, with a body pillow between my legs.
Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Yup. Had my morning coffee.
how long is your hair?
I've got boy's hair! Hehe.
How many landline phones do you have in your house?
We have three numbers and six phones.
Do you get along with your parents?
posted by Jax @ 8:20:00 PM   |
tee-vee |
My friend asked me if I can write a 25-minute episode for a horror show. I said I'd try. Will I be able to do it? I mean, this from a girl who cannot watch horror movies at night. This from a girl who tried to sleep with all the lights on after watching Ringu but got to sleep only when the sun rose. This from a girl who almost walked out of the cinema while watching The Others. Will I be able to do it?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. |
posted by Jax @ 1:30:00 AM   |
Saturday, June 12, 2004 |
Movies |
I've been watching really bad movies lately. Not because I want to but because of bad luck. I'm real glad there are a lot of upcoming film festivals that I can get to watch because it gives me a chance to watch the really good movies, as opposed to the really bad movies America's been producing.
There aren't too many good Filipino movies either. But the Manila Film Fest is coming up soon and there are some good films included in that. That's something to look forward to.Labels: american idol, movies |
posted by Jax @ 11:32:00 PM   |
Monday, June 07, 2004 |
Book Haven |
Do you love to read? Do you spend most of your money buying books? Then check out the new haven for book lovers, Book Haven!
If you like what you see, spread the word! |
posted by Jax @ 7:47:00 PM   |
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy |
 Carson: Fashion Savant
Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type? brought to you by Quizilla
I didn't know much about this except it was a hit show in the US. Naturally, when they started showing this on cable TV, I took a peek and tried to see what the fuss was about.
And now I know why.
Seeing the Fab Five, I want to have lunch with them and just listen to them talk. They're all so cute and funny! Of course, I do have my personal favorites. Really, I just can't get enough of them!
Have you watched them in action yet?
posted by Jax @ 7:39:00 PM   |
Sunday, June 06, 2004 |
So apparently, NAMFREL, after an almost one-month stint, has finished counting. It is still unofficial though (still?). And they "announced" that GMA is President still.
Am I happy about that?
Should I complain about that?
It won't help the country if I talk more and act less. And that's what we need: more action. If we really care about the Philippines, then we should swallow our prides and support the President's good projects that we know will benefit our country. Because in the end, if we want a good like, then it's all up to us. |
posted by Jax @ 3:29:00 AM   |
Mainstream? |
Mainstream Cinema...
We all grew up with mainstream cinema. We're all used to mainstream cinema.
But you know what?
I don't think I'll make a living with mainstream cinema. I'm too independent to just go with the flow. |
posted by Jax @ 1:14:00 AM   |
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban |
Yes. I have watched it. Yesterday. With my mom and my sister. I endured 2 1/2 hours of what is a truly disappointing movie. You want to know what I think? Click here.
I'll post some of my favorite scenes in about a week when more people have already watched it. |
posted by Jax @ 4:46:00 AM   |
What's your Blogging Personality? |
I took the Blogging Personality Quiz at About Web logs and I am... The Writer Words captivate me. And, I like to capture words. Blogging enables me to write often. It also provides a place for me to share what I write with a reading public. I can be funny, inspiring, intelligent, cynical, or morbid. It doesn't matter what I write about in my blog. It only matters that I write. |
posted by Jax @ 4:45:00 AM   |
Tuesday, June 01, 2004 |
The Day After Tomorrow |
I used to like this guy for his acting and for his movies. Then I saw him in The Tonight Show With Jay Leno and realized he was cute! And that was really the reason why I chose to watch The Day After Tomorrow. Oh man. I swear, if it wasn't for Jake Gyllenhaal, I would have walked out of the theater. It was that bad! I mean, okay, the movie had something to say, that if we don't watch what we're doing, nature's going to give us a really hard time. But the way they told this was very, very faulty.
1. Bad acting. It almost felt like the actors were all there because they needed the money because I never really got a sense of what their characters were like. And then when the movie was about to end, it seemed like the actors realized that and tried to "remedy the situation" but fell flat on their faces. It was almost like they were thinking, "It's just another natural disaster movie. People won't be paying attention to us. It's okay if our acting sucks a bit." Dude, that's not an excuse, that's a cop-out. And that's really sad.
2. Bad directing. It had no flow whatsoever. I think the director relied too much on the computer to make his movie work, which is never a good thing. Unless it's an animated movie. But it's not.
3. Bad script. Everything was pretty unbelievable, that's a given. But a concept that could actually happen, that's true. But the writer built it up so much it came off as fake. There were so many loose ends, I don't know where to begin. And the part with the wolves? Omigoodness! Every bit of plot was so forced and was so much of a cop-out. The whole thing was cop-out!
Argh! Can you tell this movie really frustrates me? It's so insulting, really.
Hay naku. Whatever na nga. |
posted by Jax @ 2:58:00 AM   |