Wednesday, May 21, 2003 |
This week's This or That Tuesday:
1. Large or small family? Large family
2. Potato chips or pretzels? Potato chips
3. House or apartment? House
4. Zebras or giraffes? Zebras. I've never seen one.
5. Candles or potpourri? Candles. I have dozens and dozens in my room.
Flowers or trees? Flowers
Right or left-handed? I'm a leftie.
8. Model trains or dolls/stuffed animals? Model trains
9. Comedy or drama? Comedy
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: The city of Boston has recently banned smoking in all restaurants and bars. Would you want to see such a law passed in your city/town/country, or not? Yes. I won't be able to enjoy my meal with someone blowing smoke around me in restaurants. And it's hard to breathe in congested places, like bars, when it's filled up with smoke.
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posted by Jax @ 6:48:00 AM   |