Saturday, June 07, 2003 |
The producers of Joe Millionaire are probably running out of money or something because last night still wasn’t the last episode! How frustrating. Obviously. Oh well. But being the sucker that I am, I’ll still probably watch the 2-hour season finale next week. Damn. I’m so gullible.
Game 2 was shown this morning over Solar Sport and damn, the New Jersey Nets won, 87-84, I think. Argh! Game 3 will be shown Monday morning here and this time it’ll be at New Jersey. Oh I hope Spurs win Game 3, 4 and 5!
Just saw Kristine Hermosa’s new commercial, yung Dairy Crème Lite. I don’t know why I don’t like the girl. A lot of my guy friends like her because, let’s face it, she’s hot. But otherwise what has she got to be proud of? She can’t even act for crying out loud! Hehehe. Obvious bang inis? Oh well. I used to watch her old soap, Pangako Sa Yo, because I liked her team-up with Jericho Rosales. But now, with their news soaps, they’re just plain boring and overrated.
The Toyota-Crispa reunion match that happened last May 30, 2003 is being shown again over NBN and IBC tonight. I love that game! Galing! Some of the greatest players played in that game and it was nice seeing it as I was too young to really remember their past games. So I’m really glad that the PBA organized this. Hehehe. And obviously, this was a sold-out event.
Went to my lola’s house for lunch because my cousin was celebrating his 7th birthday. Well, my cousin gave me a piece of paper with some pictures sa loob. When I opened it, omigoodness! Pictures ni Patrick Garcia na sobrang crush ko! I’ll try to scan the pictures and upload it here. He’s so gorgeous! Just see for yourself when I post it here.
Watched the second episode of Buttercup, a new show of ABS-CBN, this evening and, well, it’s ok, I guess. I mean, what bar owner would, in their right mind, name their bar Buttercup? And who would go there? People like the stars of the show, I guess. What are the producers trying to achieve here? Not depicting real life, I’m sure. Is this real life? Not mine or my friends. But hey! Miko Palanca’s here. I might be watching the show for him.
Did you guys know that Piolo Pascual is Mr. May 2003 of Most Beautiful Man? Wow. That’s so cool. In a world (or website) that usually features American celebrities, it’s nice to see Asians, particularly Filipinos, being able to break through the surface.

Gorgeous, is he not?
MMDA Chair Bayani Fernando is trying to “lessen the traffic” in Katipunan by cutting down all the trees from C.P Garcia Ave to the Blue Eagle Gym. I do think that’s a stupid idea. The trees aren’t just for aesthetic purposes. They’re there for a reason. I have been going to school at Katipunan (Miriam for 13 years and Ateneo for 4 years) and I have never experienced any form of flood there. Having trees there makes it feel safe for a student-populated area. It makes it feel safe for us to walk I mean, why does modernization have to get rid of the environment? Annie Lou Cruz, a resident of a Loyola Heights village and head of the Greening of Katipunan movement, is leading the movement against Fernando’s move to cut down all the trees. I do hope and pray the trees will stay.
It’s always nice when I meet other Ateneans and Knollers wherever. I always have a special spot for them because we share the same "identity". But I don't limit myself to meeting just Ateneand and Knollers, I like meeting all kinds of people, all over the world. I now have friends in different cities in different countries.
What is your reaction to death?
I got this question from this blog. What is your reaction to death? Personally, I don't look for it but when the time comes, I won't be afraid because I know that soon, I'll be with God. When I was younger, I used to be afraid of death. I didn't want to die young because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do everything I wanted to do by then. I wouldn't be able to live out my dreams and fantasies. But now I understand. I understand that if I die young, it's because what is expected of me is done. I now realize that I don't have to have lived out my dreams to make a difference in this world. I make a difference by touching the lives of the people around me by the way I live and speak. What about you?
posted by Jax @ 11:12:00 PM   |