Thursday, May 22, 2003 |
Admittedly, I am a Survivor fan. The only season I didn’t watch completely was the first one. Only because I already knew the outcome before I was able to watch it. As some of you have read, I have never liked the winners since Survivor: The Australian Outback. I was rooting for Kathy in Survivor: Marquesas but Vecepia won. I was rooting for Helen in Survivor: Thailand but Brian won. I was voting for Rob to win in Survivor: Amazon but Jenna won. Sometimes, I don’t know why I even pick a favorite since they don’t win. Oh well, I’m still looking forward to watching Survivor: Pearl Islands set to premiere this fall. Also, check this article out, it’s Phil Kural’s MVP Moments for everyone in Survivor: Amazon. And this one, too, for the Year-End Awards.
My all-time favorite show is Friends and I love taking trivia questions about it, particularly this one.
It has finally come. The moment I’ve been dreading has finally arrived. I am actually – bored. Yes. You heard me right. For the first time since I graduated 14 months ago, I am bored. Maybe because I’m leaving in a little more than 2 months and RAD is closed for now. I’m not doing anything with a deadline. That’s why I need to go back to school. I need to have something certain (i.e., work) in my life.
Anyway, looking forward to watching these upcoming movies:
• Finding Nemo
• Italian Job
• The Hulk
• Alex and Emma
• Charlie’s Angels 2: Full Throttle
• Bab Boys II
• Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
• Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
• Uptown Girls
• Matrix Revolutions
• Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
• Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
• Star Wars Episode III
• Lizzie Mcguire
• Hollywood Homicide
Eek! Gotta save up for all of these movies!
posted by Jax @ 8:41:00 PM   |