Friday, June 06, 2003 |
I was reading the newspaper the other day and the headlines were kind of, um, disturbing. It said that George Bush and Cardinal Sin want GMA to run for President of the Philippines in 2004. Freaky, I know. I think I’ve had enough of her already. I want RAUL ROCO to win it!
I can’t seem to think straight these past few days. No, wait, scratch that. I can’t seem TO THINK these past few days! Ack! What is happening to me? It’s like a part of my brain just shut down for no reason at all. Hmmm, maybe it thought since it wasn’t being used, it might have to shut down for awhile. Oh goodness!
Was able to catch the latest episode of The Amazing Race 4 this morning. Was disappointed that Monica and Sheree are still in the game. They’re just lucky that they’re still in the game, you know. And Tian and Jaree are still there and part of the top five teams! Ack! I do not like them. I do not see them reaching the top half of the race. Good thing Millie and Chuck, Steve and Josh, & Steve and Dave are still in the race. So far, they’re favorites.

Bye, guys!
Hmmm, who’ll get eliminated kaya next week. Gusto ko si Monica & Sheree or Tian & Jaree. Hehehe.
I was able to watch movies I wasn’t able to watch a couple of months ago. This includes The Tuxedo, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Spy Kids 2 and The Guru. Have watched The Tuxedo and My Big Fat Greek Wedding already this afternoon and they were alright. I guess I had too high expectations. I expected laughs, you know. But all I got were giggles, except for The Tuxedo, starring Jackie Chan. As usual, they showed the bloopers at the end of the movie and they were, well, funnier than the movie itself. It would be cool to be able to do the stuff that Jackie Chan’s character can do there. I’m a frustrated spy kasi. And it was nice seeing Jason Isaacs in a not-so-evil role.
You know, everytime I read Aura’s blog, I develop a craving for Starbucks. I think I’m gonna pay a visit to Starbucks tomorrow. Haven’t had a good cup of hazelnut mocha in more than a month. I am definitely going there tomorrow.
Can’t wait to go back to the gym next week. Haven’t been there in three weeks. Ack! Gonna have to get used to it again. But then I’m gonna have to stop again this August coz I’m leaving. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a good gym when I go to San Francisco.
The San Antonio Spurs won Game 1 over the New Jersey Nets, 101-89. Tony Parker was phenomenal! And Tim Duncan scored 32 points. Wow. I hope they win the NBA Finals this year. Game 2 will be tomorrow at 9am. Homecourt advantage goes to the Spurs once again.
I’m watching the (hopefully) last episode of Joe Millionaire and all I gotta say is, girls, don’t worry about not being selected by Evan (is that his name?) because you girls are way too fine to get stuck with oh-so-boring Evan.
This week’s friday five:
1. How many times have you truly been in love? I think there was one time but up til now, I’m not sure if it was love.
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most? I just fell in love with him. Period.
3. What qualities should a significant other have? There’s three: He’s got to love, trust and respect me.
4. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Nope.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be? Love is not the only thing that makes the world go round.
This week’s Weekly Wrap-up:
1. Do you like summer? Why or why not? I like summer because it gives me an excuse to go to the beach.
2. What is your favorite summer activity? Why? THE BEACH!
3. What is your favorite summer destination? Why? Boracay!
4. What are your summer plans for 2003? Well, summer just ended here and all my plans happened so yey for me!
5. Would you be in favor of rotating long breaks for school-aged kids so that there aren't as many out at the same time during summer? Why or why not? No. That’s stupid. What will that achieve? Besides, if you keep some kids in school and some not in school, it’s gonna be hard for the kids in school to stay focused in their studies when they know others are already enjoying their break. Nah. This move won’t be productive.
posted by Jax @ 6:34:00 AM   |