Jax Place
"For Our Feature Presentation"
Saturday, June 14, 2003
I watched the 2003 MTV Movie Awards yesterday and omigoodness! Major hottie alerts! Hahaha! I’m getting boy crazy once again. But you know what? Justin Timberlake and Seann William Scott were a perfect team to host the Movie Awards. They were so funny! As arrogant as this may sound, I didn’t think they could pull it off. But they did. And I’m glad. But Jimmy Fallon still rules. Hehehe.

Josh Hartnett presented an award (Best Female Performance, I think) with Harrison Ford. I swear that guy is too hot! He is my sex god. Yes he is. He is just too yummy! Ok, I’m drooling. I better stop. But just look at this.

He is just – hottah hottah!

Hugh Jackman does not look good. Just cut the hair, dude!

I loved this part! Queen Latifah and Adrien Brody were presenting the award for Best Kiss and Queen Latifah kept mentioning the kiss Brody gave Halle Berry during the Oscars.

Ashton Kutcher should dress like this all the time. He was so hot!

I can’t believe this is the same Amanda Bynes from All That! They were like “Hugh Jackman just asked me where the bathroom was!” “Omigod! He totally likes you!” Hahaha! They crack me up! Can’t wait to watch the Lizzie Mcguire Movie.

These girls can’t sing. How come they have a record deal? Hated their performance. And their songs.

Two gorgeous guys together. Haay… It cannot get any better than that.

Can you believe that body belongs to a 40-year-old? Demi Moore looks gorgeous! So that’s what happens when you get a divorce. Hahaha! And rumors are flying she’s dating Ashton Kutcher. Great body, hot partner. Damn! Can’t say the same for the dress, though. A flaw!

I heard they’re dating now. Odd couple but I hope they’re happy. Is Alanis recording another album?

Perfect pair to host this year’s Movie Awards.

Grabe. Mark Wahlberg is still so gwapo. Looking forward to the Italian Job.

Paul Walker is just hot! I’d like to cast him in my movie in a leading role and I’ll be his leading lady! Hahaha!

I’m currently playing the CD of Evanescence, Fallen. I love this album. It’s so captivating. It may be a bit depressing but I love listening to it over and over again. Favorites would have to be Going Under, Bring Me To Life and Tourniquet.

This week's Weekly Wrap-up:

1. Do you like to have your picture taken? Why or why not? Yup! I'm not camera-shy. Formal, informal, creative, stolen, candid, crazy. Name it, I've done it.
2. What is your earliest memory of having your picture taken? I think it was nursery. They were taking my picture for the annual yearbook.
3. What is the best picture you've ever had taken (or took of yourself)? Why did you pick this photo? My college graduation pictures. It showed the "me" that everyone in college saw.
4. Ladies, under what circumstances would you pose for a "glamour shot"? Gentlemen, would you want your girlfriend/wife to pose for a "glamour shot"? Both: why? What's a glamour shot? Like a really formal one? Only for graduation or debut or wedding shots. That takes a lot of time to prepare for.
5. Would you ever pose for nude photos? Why or why not? Nah, I don't think so. I'm not camera shy but there are still things about me that I don't want people to know. In this case though, the only person who'll see this (naked me) will be my husband.

posted by Jax @ 11:54:00 PM  
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