Thursday, January 13, 2005 |
Five Things |
Stolen from Mela:
Five Things You May Not Know About My Time in School
*A student filed a complaint against my friends and I citing "moral damage" as the main reason because of an email that went into the wrong hands.
*When I was applying for graduate school, I applied to four schools: Academy of Art University (it was still Academy of Art College then) in San Francisco, Ca, Boston University in Boston, MA, Tisch School of the Arts at NYU in New York, NY and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, CA. I got into two (AAU and BU) and I opted to go to AAU.
*From the first grade to 4th year high school, I was always class number 1, except during the seventh grade and freshman year of high school when I was class number 2.
*Doc Sol is my college professor that I really look up to, even though I only got to take her class in junior year of college. Her achievements astound me and I consider her my mentor and inspiration to do the things that I am capable of.
*I used to love Math in grade school and high school but abhorred it in college.
Five Things You May Not Know About the Job/s I Have (or Had)
*I worked for the student government in all my four years of college at the Ateneo, and finally serving as a Legislative Representative of my batch on my final year.
*I am and will always be a writer.
*Even though I had help, I was always the writer, director, cameraman and editor of the short films I made in college.
*I am a certified barista and I want to be a barista forever.
*I used to write for two webzines. Both have since folded up. I now write for an Australia-based webzine called Plasma Rag.
Five Things You May Not Know About My Online Life:
*Technically, I started Jax Place on May of 2002 but I neglected it. I revived it again and Jax Place officially started on March 26, 2003. Jax Place will turn two in two months!
*I have accounts with Blogger (my public blog) and Livejournal (my friends-only journal). I used to have an account with Blurty but I've already deleted that one. I also used to have an account with Blog City and Tripod but I never used those. And I have an account with Xanga but I only use that to post comments on my friends' Xanga journals.
*The very, very first Jax Place was not an online journal but a website about my favorite things that I created from scratch back in 1997. Geocities deleted it already though.
*Back when I was still proficient in HTML (1997, I think), I also made a website for my high school barkada. I think it's still up but I don't visit it anymore.
*I've had some unpleasant visitors to Jax Place that's why I don't post too many "private thoughts" here. I save that for my LJ (which is protected) so that my "private thoughts" don't get to the wrong hands again.
Five Things You May Not Know About Where I Live:
*I have lived in this house for almost 11 years now.
*The very first family house I lived in was in Davao. My family lived there for around 10 years. But I only got to experiencing living in it for about seven years.
*We moved to our next house in 1983 and stayed there until 1994.
*The city I live in is pretty big. We have around four congressional districts and it's hard to know where they start and where they end.
*I cannot imagine myself living at the south part of Metro Manila.
Five Things You May Not Know About My Home Life:
*I live with my parents and my two older siblings.
*My oldest brother lives with his family about three blocks away from our home.
*I share a room with my older sister.
*It is very quiet during daytime in this house because people are rarely home. The only meal most of us regularly eat at home is breakfast.
*When my parents bought the vacant lot beside our house, I asked if we could have our own swimming pool put there. They denied my request.
Five Things You May Not Know That I Desperately Want:
*I want everything handed to me on a silver platter. Sometimes it's so hard to get what you want because of all the challenges you have to face. Don't get me wrong. I love those challenges. But sometimes, it can get really tiring.
*I desperately want the Philippine film industry to drastically change.
*I want to be able to follow-through on the three film projects that I have started or attempted to start with three friends.
*I really want GMA and Soriquez out of the government.
*I want WWE (with Edge) to come back to Manila!
Five Things You May Not Know About What I Do in a Typical Day:
*I log on to the Net at least twice a day, when I wake up and before I go to sleep.
*The first thing I always check after I wake up is my cellphone.
*I always base the clothes I'm going to wear on the shoes I'll be or the bag that I'll be using.
*Rare are the times when I go home with the sun still up.
*I don't have a typical day.Labels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 9:45:00 PM   |