Thursday, January 13, 2005 |
Are you ready? |
I got this from Tina. See if you can crack this!
- Make a list of 10 statements about yourself.
- 4 of the 10 statements must be lies.
- Post your list and have people guess which four are lies!
1. I love to drink coffee. I drink mostly black coffee with brown sugar. I don't drink espresso and milk because I don't like a lot of milk on my coffee. I only drink, besides black, a latte but only because it has more espresso than milk in it.
2. I am 5'7" tall. In fact, I have no problem buying jeans since they fit me to a T.
3. I am passionate about movies, enough to pursue a living out of it. Right now, I am on leave from film school but I will go back to it.
4. I want to experience living in London sometime in the future. I love the whole experience of London and it's something really, really new.
5. I have 20/20 vision.
6. I am the middle child of 12 kids. I have three older brothers, three older sisters, two younger sisters and three younger brothers.
7. I consider Pedro Almodovar and Steven Soderbergh as some of my idols. They are geniuses, IMO.
8. I am allergic to all kinds of seafoods.
9. I am a big, big fan of the WWE, particularly Edge, and especially, always, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.
10. I have sworn off drinking any kind of soda.
Fire away!
posted by Jax @ 5:41:00 AM   |