Sunday, June 04, 2006 |
8 Things |
Tagged by Mela
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. I've been drinking coffee since I was 15 years old. I tried to quit when I was a freshman in college. But that only last a couple of months and I just went back to drinking coffee again. It's been 8 years and I haven't stopped since. In fact, if I don't drink coffee even for a couple of hours, I start getting jittery all over.
2. I am bibliophile. I have been collecting and reading books since I was 9 years old (back when a P250 book now only costs about P35 back then). Back then, I collected mostly books from the Sweet Valley series, Ann M. Martin books, Beverly Cleary books which evolved eventually to Jane Austen classics, Christopher Pike series, Fear Street series, VC Andrews books. And now at 25, 14 years later, I hope that my literary choices have matured just as I have matured. There's books by Douglas Coupland, Nick Hornby, Jodi Picoult, Jhumpa Lahiri, Richard Russo, Donna Tartt. But you know, all work and no play makes Jaq a very dull girl. But instead of reading young adult books, I'm reading its counterpart: chick lit! Jane Green and Marian Keyes are my favorite chick lit authors.
3. A lot of people already know this. I love, love, love everything British. Well probably not everything. I went to Britain a couple of years ago and fell in love with it. I just loved it. My goal now is to go back and spend a couple of months there. And it doesn't hurt that British men are hot!
4. I am addicted to shopping. It doesn't matter what I buy as long as I am buying something. Although I am partial to buying books, CDs, bags and shoes. Tragic, I know.
5. It annoys me endlessly when people do not make an effort to understand when I do it myself. And when I tell them I don't do this or that, they say "Since when?" Um, probably about 3 years and counting. Seriously. Hello? Don't you notice anything else but yourselves? Oh that's right. You thrive on gossip.
6. I am a very frustrated singer. But that doesn't stop me from loving my music. I will listen to anything and everything for the first time. But it takes a lot more to keep me hooked. I am currently loving the music of Camera Obscura, Iron and Wine, Marvin Gaye, Billie Holiday, Queen, Belle and Sebastian, Itchyworms, Pupil, two Idols (Taylor Hicks and Elliott Yamin) and a whole lot more. I always go to Tower Records and Music One because they have an almost complete collection there. I loathe going to Odyssey because it is just a music store pretending to be a music store. They only carry Top 40. And not even the good ones. So frustrating!
7. I hate, hate, hate people who constantly compare us to Starbucks and think that we are inferior to them just because we are new. Starbucks does not equal coffee people! And besides, Starbucks coffee isn't that good, you know. They're just good marketers. And it would do you good to try something new for a change you know.
8. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am in dire need of a vacation! I am longing to go out of the country just so I can forget about work. Being in the Philippines, no matter where I am in it, will always remind me of work. I need five straight days of no-thinking-of-work! I hope my plans of going to Bangkok this August pushes through!
Tagging: I know it's just supposed to be 8 but everyone do this! And do let me know so I can read your 8 things.Labels: surveys |
posted by Jax @ 10:17:00 PM   |