Friday, October 03, 2003 |
past few days |
I feel like I've been so out of touch the past few days. But anyway, let's get on with the show.
Wednesday afternoon saw me at The coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Greenbelt 3, where I had coffee with one of my dearest college friends, Glady. I hadn't seen Glady since my friend's baby shower more than 3 months ago. We talked and reminisced and let me just say 2 hours? It's never enough!
Side Note: I love Coffee Bean drinks! It is so damn good. Try it! (If you haven't yet.)
Wednesday night saw me at Nuvo, Greenbelt 2, where I had a reunion dinner with some college friends. There were originally around 40+ of us in college but last night only around 7 people came. But I'm not sad coz we rocked the house! Haha! I can't believe I just said that.
Anyway, so yeah, we had dinner at Nuvo and reminisced about old times since most of us hadn't seen the others in more than a year, ever since the oldies (that would be more than half of us) graduated from college.
Got all the latest chismis (gossip) finally realized that we were really getting old-er. Then we had dessert at Bizu and it was still the same. We were still loud! But I guess that will never go away (the loudness) because we were never shy and quiet in the first place. But what can you expect? Good wine + Good company = Amazing Fun!
Next reunion: November 2003
Thursday afternoon saw me at the Araneta Coliseum for Game 1 of the UAAP Finals between the Far Eastern University Tamaraws and my Ateneo de Manila University Blue Eagles. Well, as much as I screamed and cheered my heart out (my voice is still hoarse as of now), we lost. Big time. The final score? 83-65. It was so embarrasing! No "In fairness..." talks. We lost. That's it. Just hope we can bounce back in Game 2 and eventually Game 3 and retain our title. Kudos to Larry Fonacier, Wesley Gonzales and Rich Alvarez for their great game!
UAAP Annual Awards will be on Sunday. Hope Rich or Larry will be MVP. Although I think Arwynd Santos of FEU will get it. I also have a feeling JV Casio of DLSU will be Rookie of the Year.
Went to M&S at G4 last Wednesday and found so many great tops there! I need new clothes. Actually I need new tops. Last time I shopped for clothes was last year. Too long ago. A lot of them are already worn out. Besides, my mom was the one who brought up the idea of buying new clothes. I'm just helping her out by suggesting the pieces that we can buy. Hehe.
Since I am some kind of a bored right now, I'll just answer some survey I got ages ago that I've decided to re-answer.
1. What is your name? JAQ
2. What colour pants are you wearing right now? wearing short, not pants, but they're brown
3. What are you listening to right now? listening to Peter Jackson and the cast & crew of LOTR talk about FOTR
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home? i dont want to say
5. What was the last thing you ate? tinapa! my favorite!
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? red
7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Venice, Italy or Chester, England or Nice, France or Brussels, Belgium
8. How is the weather right now? hot
9. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Karlo, my 5-year-old nephew
10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes and height
12. How are you today? bored
13. What's your favourite soft drink? i don't drink soda
14. Favourite alcoholic drink? beer, vodka and now, Shiraz Red Wine
15. Favourite sport to watch? basketball
16. Hair colour? black
17. What colour are your eyes? dark brown
18. Do you wear contacts? yup. clear, soft ones
19. Favourite month? november (bday) and december (Christmas!)
20. Favourite food? tinapa, chicken, mexican, sinigang
21. Last movie you watched? Pirates of the Carribean on the big screen, Two Towers on DVD, Royal Tenenbaums on TV
22. Are you shy to ask someone out? i can ask anyone out pero kung kung long-time crush na, i think i would be
23. Do you like scary or happy movies better? i like both
24. Summer or winter, spring or fall? winter, spring
25. Relationship or one night stands? relationship
You guys have anymore surveys I can answer?
posted by Jax @ 12:47:00 AM   |