Wednesday, April 30, 2003 |
Was able to watch the very first episode of Queer as Folk UK last night. And omigoodness. All I can say is I don't think it will be shown here in the Philippines. But it was really funny and I loved to watch it, mainly because it had British actors and I really love British actors. Actually I just love their accents. Hehehe... That's why I also love to watch this other Brit show, Coupling.
Last night, I caught a glimpse of MTV's special "The Making of a VJ". I just don't agree with what MTV did. They said that they wanted to launch people into stardom. Well when I saw the list of people who made it as finalists, I was a bit disappointed. A lot of the people they got were already famous and or at least known here in the Philippines. They were either local celebrities, TV personalities or members of "high-class society". Why launch them into stardom when people already know them? Why not pick a "total nobody"? Someone who people have really not seen on TV at all? There are a lot of people in the Philippines like that. Sometimes, it just makes you think how pretentious Filipinos can be. They're too obsessed with image, reputation, high society and all that crap that they forget about the more important things in life. Like being true to yourself as an individual, spending time with people you love doing the things you love, stopping to smell the roses, giving thanks to God for giving us another day to live. Thank you, Lord. Despite my situation right now, You have provided for me and You still give me hope for my coming future.
I remember watching a Filipino movie, Tanging Yaman, a couple of months ago on TV. There was a particular scene there that I cannot forget. Actually it was a line. The grandmother was inside the Church praying when her granddaughter came to be with her. While praying, her granddaughter suddenly asked, "Paano naririnig ng Diyos ang dasal ng lahat ng tao? Hindi ba Siya nalilito?" (How does God hear all our prayers? Doesn't He get confused?). Sometimes I do think about this and I worry that He gets confused and wouldn't where to start. And then I remember that it's not a problem for Him, hearing all of our prayers. It just goes to show how great He truly is. And He doesn't just hear your prayer, He tries to make it perfect for you. That's what I love about Him. He knows me better than I know myself.
posted by Jax @ 11:47:00 PM   |