Thursday, April 24, 2003 |
Took another test. Here are the results.
You are a bungalow! Built between the 1900-1950's, you have stood the test of time, and are well- loved by many. You appreciate a cozy life, and surround yourself with friends and family. Three bedrooms, one bath, your family is very tight. Chances are you are surrounded by a hundred houses just like you.
What kind of house are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I was listening to the radio awhile ago and there were two DJs, a girl and a guy, and they were discussing gender issues, I think. They were mentioning about "Miss Right and Miss Right Now". That's just so wrong. I mean, why do we have to justify our gender to everyone else. I mean, that's not the point and reason why we're living in this world right now. If you have to talk and fight about equality, why not fight about equality amongst all people? You know why there's poverty, injustice, hunger and all that? Because there are people out there who think they're better than most people and spend their whole lives showing that to people. There are also some people who don't give a damn about other people and only think about themselves and what they can do to survive this world. But thankfully there are some people who spend their lives giving more to the people who are more unfortunate than they are.
I tried doing this. It's what you call random acts of kindness. Sometimes I give food to streetchildren instead of money. Sometimes I help out someone even if they don't ask for it. Sometimes I volunteer for different organizations and help them out.
What's the point of this? Stop fighting over who's the better sex. If you continue fighting over that, then you're just both the same. You're worse as people. Instead of fighting over the better sex, think and do something to help out those who are less fortunate than you are. Because if you think you've got it bad, you don't, honey. Have you looked at the world lately? People are dying because of an unknown virus. More than half of the population in Africa are diagnosed with AIDS, which still has no cure. The world is in danger of terrorist attacks from Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussein. Several bombings have been occuring in Davao, killing so many people in the process. Mindanao is still in danger of attacks from Abu Sayyaf. And 70% of the Philippines' population are experiencing poverty.
Why waste your time worrying about trivial things that do nothing to solve the problems of the world or even teach people to act? If you have to talk about something, talk about that.
 Way to go! Your a furry caring, lovable James P. Sullivan
What monster from Monsters Inc. are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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posted by Jax @ 2:25:00 AM   |