Friday, October 15, 2004 |
coffee, superblessed, reality TV, penguin copter and blog explosion |
Knowing me, then you'll know this piece of news is definitely big for me.
I discovered a new place to go to. It's called Coffee Geek, a place where people talk about coffee, espresso, machines, grinders, crema, blends and all that! It was such a coffee geek moment!
Only one thing dampened my mood. One writer talked about the Asian coffee scene and said that it was so behind the US. I disagree. But I do have to consider the fact that the article was written last year, when coffee, espresso coffee, was still being introduced in Asia. Hopefully, more than a year later, we've improved.
But I'm still so excited over Coffee Geek!
Once again, I am humbled. Thank you for the nomination, Ganns! Jax Place has been nominated once again at the SuperBlessed Christian Blog Awards 2004 for Most Enjoyable Female Filipino-Christian Blog.
Ganns took an unexpected leave from the blogging world to focus on developing and making his dream a reality: to launch the Filipino-Christian magazine, Live the Life (watch out for that!). He was surely missed by the Christian blogging community (I know I did) and I'm just glad that he's now back. Visit SuperBlessed to know what I'm talking about!
As much as I want to deny it, I know deep in my heart that I can.
Hi. My name is Jax and I am a Reality TV-aholic.
Hi, Jax.
It all started with Survivor: Australian Outback. My sister was telling me about the first Survivor and I decided to check it out via the second season.
Three years later and I'm still hooked.
And now more and more reality TV shows are being conceptualized and produced everyday. Some are good, some are interesting and a lot are just awful. Of course, I have my personal favorites.
*The Apprentice
*For Love or Money
*The Amazing Race
I know that in the days to come, more and more reality TV shows will be developed and shown on TV. And being gullible sucker that I am, I will probably watch these shows at least once.
Check this out!
I discovered this website via a link from a blog while I was bloghopping. They say it's a way to increase the traffic of your blog. But for me, it's another venue to discover more blogs to visit, which I love to do.
Interested? Check out Blog Explosion!Labels: tv |
posted by Jax @ 6:42:00 AM   |