Thursday, August 26, 2004 |
years and years |
10 Years Ago, I...
1. was 13 years old
2. was in the 7th grade.
3. had bad taste in clothes
5 Years Ago, I...
1. started my sophomore year in college at Ateneo.
2. hated my Marketing professor.
3. loved my Writing class/
3 Years Ago, I...
1. was an incoming senior in college.
2. became part of Sanggu 2002
3. became a believer.
A Year Ago, I...
1. got accepted in grad school.
2. went to Dumaguete for the first time.
3. started Jax Place.
This Year, I...
1. started my MB training.
2. had my room redecorated.
3. have watched more than 70 new movies, so far.
Yesterday, I...
1. made at least 10 cups of long black coffee.
2. had Chowking for lunch.
3. met together with my sister and brother the architect designing our store.
Today, I...
1. made more cold drinks.
2. kept trying to convince the staff to order Blue Kiwi Blend so I can make it. Still no luck.
3. had KFC for dinner.
Tomorrow I will...
1. have my day-off.
2. go to SM to canvass the things we need for the store.
3. attend a BIR seminar. |
posted by Jax @ 8:24:00 AM   |