Monday, February 02, 2004 |
A Day in the Life Of... |
A Day in the Life Of...
A Day in the Life of ... who? Me? Seriously, how can anyone narrate what happened in a day in a life of someone? Okay, I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself. It's hard to describe a typical day for me because every day is different. That's why I find it hard to schedule anything because I never know what might come up. I only have anything scheduled up to 3 days into the future. But not all the time. Right now, I have something scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, but nothing definite for Thursday.
I like events around me to be planned and well organized but I'm not obssessive-compulsive. I'm still flexible. It gives me headaches, yes, but these things happen for a reason, you know?
Since I cannot define what a typical day for me is, I will try and show you what a perfect day for me will be.
I wake up at 5am to wait and watch the sun rise. I move from the spot 2 hours later to get ready to have breakfast with my friends. I spend 2 or 3 hours with them before we part ways. I'll go somewhere to watch people walk and wait for inspiration to come in. 2 hours later, I'm grabbing lunch to go and catch a movie or two before I go home and write the night away. I may go out afterwards or I may not. I sleep after reading a good book to cap the day.
No matter how much I love my DVDs, my PC, and my music CDs, In the end, the only thing I'd rather do is curl up at home with a nice mug of coffee and read and write. It's my most simple pleasure in life. And to be able to do that all day, with no distraction, is the perfect day for me.
I look forward to that day.
posted by Jax @ 6:27:00 PM   |