Sunday, February 01, 2004 |
Lost in Translation |
Lost in Translation by Nicole Mones
A book about searching for a place to belong, it is one of the most amazing books ever written. I initially bought this book since I thought Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation was based on this. But as the movie was set in Japan and this was set in China, and finding out days after I bought it, I realized I was in for another adventure.
Nicole Mones introduces us to Alice Mannegan, an American who works as a translator in China. Alice fled the US, in hopes of finding an identity apart from her racist politician father, to settle in China but her American features have prevented her from ever belonging there.
Dr. Adam Spencer is an American archaelogist who goes to China to search for the bones of the Peking Man after studying Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's works. Working to boost his archaelogy career, he is doing this mostly for his son, who has moved to another state with his ex-wife. Together they are brought together by Mones to create a wonderful story about love, identity, culture and history.
It is a wonderfully written story about the importance of, not the destination but, the journey. Mones captivates your attention and imagination with her witty dialogue full of emotion.
A dazzling read. I recommend this to anyone who loves to read. Pick up a copy now! |
posted by Jax @ 6:17:00 PM   |