Thursday, October 09, 2003 |
musings |
Sometimes, I think I am alone in this world. When I do the things I do, I realize that no one can do it but me. I know I've always wanted to be independent. But maybe I can hold on to dependency still? For now?
I think this all boils down to the fact that: I MISS MY FRIENDS!
I never realized how valuable my friends are to me until we all parted after college. Hay.
I can't believe I forgot to write it here. Ganns's wife, Cath, gave birth 2 weeks ago to their priide and joy, Nathan! Congrats, Ganns and Cath! Welcome to our world, Nathan!
Tina is having her thesis defense on Saturday. Wish her luck!
I watched Underworld starring Kate Beckinsale earlier today. It was a pretty cool movie. It was about the "neverending battle between vampires and werewolves". Story sucked as always. But directing wasn't so bad. I was scared out of my wits while watching it. It didn't help that I watched it alone.
Hmm. I seem to find myself watching some scary movies alone. Good thing I didn't watch Ringu and The Others by myself.
Anyway, back to Underworld, though scary, I found myself laughing at the most inappropriate times. Conflict happens when Selene (Beckinsale),a vampire warrior, falls in love with a werewolf, the species she has vowed to destroy. Okay. Right. It would have been fine if there was more indication to that falling in love part than that little kiss they shared in the vampires' interrogation room.
But like I said, the story sucked but Kate Beckinsale's stunts were so cool! I mean, all through out the movie, I kept thinking, Kate Beckinsale rocks. When she jumps from the window to the ground below, it's flawless. Flawless, I tells yah!
I passed up The Magdalene Sisters for this. And I'm hoping I won't regret it. But heck! Life is short. No time for regrets. It was a cool movie. Nuff said.
Watching a movie called Complicity starring Jonny Lee Miller right now on Star Movies. I don't particularly care for the movie since I have no idea what everyone's talking about. Only kept the TV there because I saw Jonny Lee Miller's name and he's been my crush ever since I saw him in Hackers around 6 years ago.
Oh yes. Before I forget: I got my hair cut today!
Finally. After more than two months, I had it cut. It's been weighing me down for so long. But now, I feel lighter. I love my hair!
Musings is one of my favorite words. I just love saying it. I don't really know why. I just do. |
posted by Jax @ 8:38:00 AM   |