Tuesday, September 02, 2003 |
movie marathon |
Yesterday was such a tiring day. I spent the whole day in Robinson's Galleria watching the latest movies. I got there at 10am (yeah! opening time!) and left at 830pm (30 mins after closing time) and got home at 9p. I was exhausted. I swear, I slept like a baby last night!
First up was The Italian Job starring Mark Wahlberg, Charlize
Theron and Edward Norton. It was actually your typical action, cars-chasing movie about thieves. Which is actually kind of scary, if you think about it because the thieves in this movie planned their heists seamlessly, with no flaws. And if modern-day thieves are really like them, then we've got a lot to worry about. Anyway, back to the movie, it's not the greatest movie but it has its strengths. I gotta admit, the movie was funny, thanks to Seth Green, who provided the comic relief in this movie. ("I should have been on the cover of Wired! I came up with Napster!") Haha! It's almost similar to Ocean's Eleven by Steven Soderbergh (my idol!), only Mark Wahlberg and co's motivation was revenge. On a side note, I gotta say I like Ocean's Eleven better but The Italian Job is still good though. Since this is a remake, I'm curious about the original The Italian Job starring Michael Caine as Mark Wahlberg's character, Charlie Croker. Speaking of Mark Wahlberg, omigoodness. He was totally gorgeous in this movie! Oh wow. Too bad I can't say the same for his acting, though. Oh well. Can't have them all.
Next up was Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl starring Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush and, my latest boytoy, Orlando Bloom. The movie starts out with the discovery of 8-year-old Will Turner at sea by Captain Norrington, Governor Swann and his daughter, Elizabeth and
Elizabeth's very first encounter with pirates when she sees the Black Pearl sail off. The movie is about a pirate who tries to set things straight by helping out a guy rescue his friend/crush/love interest. Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) was kidnapped by a bunch of pirates led by Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). Not being able to depend on the British Navy, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) enlists the help of Captain Jack Sparrow (played magnificently by Johnny Depp) to hunt down these pirates. To tell you the truth, I did not stay in the movie house for more than two hours because of the story. I stayed for two reason: Orlando Bloom (of course!) and Johnny Depp. Orlando Bloom was pretty good. Despite a badly-written character, he gave it a personality. (And it's not just because I think the guy's hot!) But the true star of the show: Johnny Depp. He was so magnificent as Captain Jack Sparrow, the drunk, lisping, spaced-out pirate that was left in a deserted island by the crew of the Black Pearl. Migoodness! He kept the movie going. The movie was so funny because of him! He stole the freaking show, man! I tried to look for photos of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow but they all don't do him justice. You all gotta watch the movie, mga dude. Because of this, I think I might be watching all of Johnny Depp's movies from now on. And now I think he would portray Willy Wonka perfectly. Paul, are you reading this? I watched it na! And I wanna watch it again!
Last on my list was Pedro Almodovar's Habla con Ella (Talk to Her). I love Almodovar's last movie, Todo Sobre mi Madre (All About My Mother), and was looking forward to his next movie, this one. Almodovar never ceases to amaze me. His movies were never mainstream. It was almost like the stranger, the better. And I like it. And always, always, the actors in his movies are great. They move me so much. Javier Camara, who plays Benigno Martin, was so good as the male nurse in love with his comatose patient. Even Dario Grandinetti, who plays Marco Zuluaga, a visitor who befriended Benigno, was exceptional. On the outside, their characters seemed like ordinary people. But Almodovar tells us that there's really more to a person than what you see outside. And Camara and Grandinetti shows that to the audience with their performance, that there's so much more we need to know about them to really know them. Over time, Benigno and Marco develop a friendship that only the two of them can appreciate and understand. Once again, it was such a sad movie but so amazingly well done. It's not just well done, it's amazingly well done! I can't wait for his next movie, La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) starring Javier Camara and Gael Garcia Bernal (another hottie!).
I think I'll "stay away" from movie watching for now, since it cost me a good amount of money yesterday. This movie marathon will probably resume again after September 17, when Hollywood Homicide starts being played in regular cinemas here. Josh Hartnett! Hehe. |
posted by Jax @ 11:05:00 PM   |