How do I even begin to describe the most amazing concert I've ever been to? I don't think I can but I can try.
There was never a question of me not going to the INXS in Manila concert. I might not like them with the same intensity then but I knew that if they came here, I would be watching, no doubt about it.
Then I started watching videos I got from 448ers and from jason dean fortune bennison encabo fortune bennison and tina paner and friends. And let's not forget everybody's favorite obssession.
That's when I knew that I do want to watch INXS perform live because their performances always seemed so great.
The wait seemed like an eternity especially I had bought our tickets more than a month before the actual concert. Everyday seemed like an eternity.
Finally, D-day.
We met up early, around 4:30pm at Gateway. We had snacks to keep us energized for the show. We had coffee to pass the time (especially since we had a bout 2 hours before the show could even start). We talked excitedly (nervously?) in our seats while waiting for the show to start. We devised plans on how to get great pictures and videos (yes, I snuck in my camera, hehe, as did everyone else) since we were in Row H, still a couple of feet away from the stage. We were still doing that when the lights went out and The Dawn and Mig Ayesa came out. Oh, and let me tell you, The Dawn, after 20 years, still amazing.
And I was excited to see Mig Ayesa perform but I couldn't concentrate on his set because I was waiting for INXS. Maybe next time when he's not just an opening act.
Finally. Tim, Jon, Andrew, Gary and Kirk comes out of the dark, grabs their instruments and pays the first notes of Suicide Blonde. And then JD Fortune comes out. And was met by loud screams and shrieks from the ladies in the audience.
Omigod. Let me tell you. Whatever apathy I had for JD Fortune before was seemingly replaced by sheer fangirl-ness.
I cannot believe how hot JD Fortune is.
Since we hated our seats, because we were surrounded by Australians, tall Australians, and we were by the aisle, we decided to stay along the aisle. We kept dancing and singing and screaming and everything else we could imagine. Before we knew it, we were already witnessing this amazing concert a couple of inches away from the stage. Wow. Because of that, I was able to get a lot of great set of pictures and videos of the performances and the band members, especially JD Fortune.
The concert lasted about 2 hours but it still felt so bitin. I was hungry, thirsty, tired but I didn't care. I wanted more! Unfortunately, the band thought differently. After about 15 songs, they bade us goodbye.
Damn! That was great. When we were leaving the concert venue, I overheard this guy tell his friends, "I know I'm being biased but that was a really amazing concert". And I wanted to tell him, "No. You're not being biased because it really is amazing!" But didn't because I was still all shook up from that exhilarating experience. I swear, after that, I am a convert. I do not just like the band, I love them.
Oh, JD, why do you have to torture us with your hotness?
Concert Highlights
1. Filipino director Joyce Bernal behind me shouting, "Hubad! Hubad!" Winner, ever.
2. The really tall security guy infront of me who apparently took the hint when I continuously placed my camera in front of his face to take videos of INXS.
3. The two girls beside me who kept screaming their hearts out, to the amusement of the usher in front of them.
4. Kirk Pengilly right in front of me with his sax.
5. JD Fortune so close we could kiss him.
I want to go to Australia and back to Europe just so the girls and I can watch them again live. Because they are just best experienced live.
That's why the next time they're here, I am watching them live again.

You can view the other INXS concert pictures here.Labels: concert, fortune 448, inxs, inxs live in manila, jd fortune |
Hi. I wasn't able to watch the gig but a friend told me it was an amazing one and that JD was HOT. Moved like a stripper daw. Hee. Thanks for sharing the pix you took from the show. Have a fine weekend. God Bless.