Monday, March 06, 2006 |
Oscars 2006 |
I am so glad Crash won Best Picture at the just-concluded 78th Annual Academy Awards! Brokeback Mountain was the favorite to win but Crash was clearly the better film.
Why did Crash win against Brokeback Mountain?
I believe it's because everything in the movie was so real, the emotions, the experience, the stories, the people. Brokeback Mountain's story may really be about two gay cowboys but I felt no sympathy for them. In fact, I didn't feel anything for them. I wasn't moved by the movie and I felt nothing of their plight. Although I have to add, Michelle Williams was simply remarkable in this movie. I know I said that the four principal actors were very good but Michelle Williams was the one who, I believe, stood out.
Back to Crash...
Crash was an ensemble movie. There wasn't just one lead character. No, actually there was one lead character, the city of Los Angeles. And the actors were not who they were, they were their characters. I believed Sandra Bullock was the DA's wife who was too scared and too proud (bad combination). I believed Matt Dillon as the cop who had a heart of stone that can still be penetrated. I believed Ryan Philippe as the cop who seems innocent yet subjects himself to the system. I believed Don Cheadle as the dutiful detective and son but always a failure. I believed all of them were someone else and that's where the beauty of the movie lies in.
Brokeback Mountain was, in my opinion, mechanical. And I really believe that Ang Lee is losing his touch. How sad. But I still love him.
I am glad though that the Oscars this year wasn't very predictable. No one dominated the affair. If you noticed, the productions/movies nominated for the technical awards were quite different from the productions/movies nominated for the directing and acting awards.
I loved Ben Stiller's spot! I was laughing so hard with the green unitard. Only Ben Stiller can pull off something like that. Remember when he presented with Owen Wilson and he was wearing his Starsky and Hutch outfit while Owen Wilson wore his tux and Owen was like, "Why are you wearing that? Didn't they tell you we weren't wearing that anymore?" And Ben was like, "No." Haha!
And Jennifer Garner was quite graceful. To slip like that and recover quickly, like nothing happened. Well, almost.
Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep were hilarious as they introduced Rob Altman. And Rob Altman didn't disappoint us, too.
Too bad Pia Clemente didn't take home the golden man but it's still an honor to be nominated.
I loved the look of Michelle Williams and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Classic looks that I didn't really expect from them.
Not too many colors this time, though. Almost everyone toned it down. Well, except for Jada Pinkett Smith, Michelle Williams, Tim Burton and Dolly Parton. And speaking of Dolly Parton, I love the shoes she wore when she was performing "Travellin' Thru" from the movie "Transamerica"! Haha! My brother couldn't help but laugh when he heard me say this. He wasn't expecting it, he said. Well, hers were the only footwear I saw. Well two, if you count Felicity Huffman's black pairs. But I didn't care much for that.
Now that the 78th Academy Awards are over, I'm now looking forward to the 2006 movies and hopefully, there'll be a better turn out this year.Labels: movies |
posted by Jax @ 2:51:00 AM   |