Thursday, July 10, 2008 |
Halloween Costumes |

I love Halloween. It's the only time of the year where dressing up as someone else is not a problem. It's the only time of the year when people celebrate dressing up! Every year, my highest priority, during the Halloween season, is deciding what costume to wear. Since I started dressing up, I have gone as a tamago sushi, the creepy guy from Jeepers Creepers, a messed-up fashion icon, a gypsy and some others that I can't remember now.
Do you like to dress up during Halloween? What have you worn in the past?
It's not easy coming up with a Halloween costume though. You have to consider several factors, including availability of materials and resources, the place and time of the Halloween event, the degree of difficulty of making the costume and we shouldn't forget the fact that the costume has to be something we can pull off.
According to Victoria Lau, there are three steps in picking out a costume. 1. Pick a familiar costume - Be sure to pick out a costume about things you are already familiar with. For example, if you're an X-men fan, you can dress up as Rogue, Storm, Gambit or Wolverine. Don't dress up as Derek Zoolander if you don't know who he is. 2. Stick to a theme - If you're going out with family or friends, convince them to dress up as a group. For example, if there are four in the group, go as The Beatles. Or go as the Super Friends or as the nine members of the Fellowship Of The Ring. 3. Get your costumes and accessories - Once you've decided on the costume, start gathering all the materials you'll need. You may need to look all over your house, buy your costume or borrow some clothes. Check out the Halloween Party Store for ideas on what to wear and what to buy.
 No matter what your costume is going to be, don't forget to have fun on Halloween! There's no sense having the perfect costume if you're not going to enjoy the time when you're gonna be wearing it.
*Halloween Party Store Baby hotdog image courtesy of Halloween Party Store. Halloween Carnival costume courtesy of costume, dress up, halloween |
posted by Jax @ 6:51:00 AM   |
You do realize it's only July right? :p Or do you love Halloween this much that your costume needs to be planned out and prepared this early?!
joey xx
Yes, Jo. I need as much time as I can to prepare. Or I'll probably think about it in July, forget about it for two months, then remember again in October. But at least I'll have an idea by that time, right? Hehe.
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You do realize it's only July right? :p Or do you love Halloween this much that your costume needs to be planned out and prepared this early?!
joey xx