Thursday, May 13, 2004 |
I don't like the fact that my parents spoiled me while I was growing up and now I'm used to being the center of attention.
What really bugs me about it is that they spoiled me while I was growing up and now they expect me to undo now what they did then. Isn't that a bit unfair?
Kids are very "creative" now. When they don't want to do something, they will think of every excuse not to do it. Like this morning, we were trying to force my five-year-old nephew to eat his breakfast. He didn't want to do because he said he wasn't hungry. And when we finally got him to sit at the dining table, he would make up all of these really frustrating excuses like the following:
1. He wasn't hungry.
2. He didn't want to eat rice with any kind of sauce mixed with it.
3. He wanted to eat just white rice.
4. He didn't want to eat the meat we mixed with the rice. He wanted mango with it.
5. He didn't want to eat at the dining table, he wanted to watch TV while eating.
6. He didn't want to do it himself, he wanted someone to feed him.
7. He wanted to wait for his mom or dad to arrive so they can eat together.
And the list goes on and on and on. Ack! It can be so frustrating. But as long as he gets to eat...
Will he win?
Partial Unofficial Results from AMA
President (as of 2004-05-11, 09:21 pm)
1. Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria 553,388
2. Poe, Fernando, Jr. 540,118
3. Lacson, Panfilo 248,425
4. Roco, Raul 145,829
5. Villanueva, Eduardo 129,091
Vice-President (as of 2004-05-11, 08:31 pm)
1. Legarda, Loren 718,353
2. de Castro, Noli 692,166
3. Aquino, Herminio 102,998
4. Pajo, Rodolfo 7,828
Senators (as of 2004-05-11, 08:32 pm)
1. Roxas, Manuel 'Mar' II 1,014,621
2. Gordon, Richard 831,599
3. Cayetano, Pia Juliana 764,203
4. Pimentel, Aquilino Jr. Q. 758,959
5. Enrile, Juan Ponce 755,144
6. Lim, Alfredo S. 739,656
7. Madrigal, Jamby A.S. 728,837
8. Revilla, Ramon (Bong) Jr. 715,333
9. Biazon, Rodolfo 705,597
10. Defensor-Santiago, Miriam 688,281
11. Maceda, Ernesto M. 575,434
12. Lapid, Manuel 568,546
Partial Results by NAMFREL
President (as of 2004-05-13, 06:13 pm)
1. Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria 912,807
2. Poe, Fernando, Jr. 826,061
3. Lacson, Panfilo 275,850
4. Villanueva, Eduardo 146,310
5. Roco, Raul 125,826
Vice-President (as of 2004-05-13, 06:16 pm)
1. de Castro, Noli 1,092,290
2. Legarda, Loren 996,587
3. Aquino, Herminio 81,011
4. Pajo, Rodolfo 2,394
Senators (as of 2004-05-13, 06:36 pm)
1. Roxas, Manuel 'Mar' II 1,421,449
2. Revilla, Ramon (Bong) Jr. 1,154,257
3. Pimentel, Aquilino Jr. Q. 1,058,327
4. Madrigal, Jamby A.S. 967,847
5. Gordon, Richard 958,862
6. Defensor-Santiago, Miriam 933,867
7. Cayetano, Pia Juliana 922,859
8. Lim, Alfredo S. 887,521
9. Biazon, Rodolfo 827,121
10. Estrada, Jose 'Jinggoy' E. 818,370
11. Enrile, Juan Ponce 803,370
12. Barbers, Robert 795,625
posted by Jax @ 7:02:00 AM   |