Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |
I am all for Bro. EDDIE for President. And I'm not just saying that because I'm Catholic.
Professor Gabby Mendoza agrees with me.
Dear colleague
I will vote for Bro. Eddie Villanueva because:
1. He is the only presidential candidate who by his words and deeds stands for principled honest government;
2. He believes in freedom of conscience and of religion;
3. He has shown himself knowledgeable and competent in management, economics and politics;
4. He has proven himself willing and able to explain and defend his plans for the presidency in open, free-wheeling debate.
5. He is the only candidate not weighed down by commitments to and contributions from old-time corrupt politicians and politically motivated financiers and businessmen.
All the presidential aspirants promise change and preach a message of hope for our people. It makes me puke sometimes how some presidential aspirants claim
they are for change, but would have mostly the old traditional politicians in their senatorial slate.
Also, Bro. Eddie's platform stands out because it focuses on moral Reformation above everything else. I sincerely believe this is what we need the most
for our country today. His program for Muslims, women, children, the eldery and the indigenous people are also worthy of consideration. There is hardly anything about these important sectors of our society in the platform of the other presidentiables, when for instance women and children comprise more than 50% of our population.
His program of governance makes a lot of sense, too - comparable, if not better, than the other candidates' programs. He takes strong positions on issues that
other candidates would shy away from, based on his strong moral convictions.
I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that he is more than just a
religious leader. He was a political activist - incarcerated during martial law, a law student, and a professor of Economics at PUP. And the way he has
grown the JIL movement is testimony to his leadership capability.
I believe he is the right person to lead this nation to economic recovery founded on moral reforms. And I have decided, not just to vote for him, but also to vigorously campaign for him.
But does he have a fighting chance? He's not even in the radar screen when it comes to surveys. This is where you and I can make a difference.
Even his rivals would concede that he has millions of supporters to start with. And, unlike the supporters of the other candidates, his followers are more
committed and more passionate to convince others (at least 7 other people, according to their 7x7 strategy) to vote for Bro. Eddie. It is also striking that his supporters, mostly volunteers, actively involve themselves in the campaign process,
braving the heat and the fumes from passing vehicles, and take pains educating the public why a vote for Bro. eddie makes a lot of sense for us Filipinos at
this point in time.
The radio SMS-based surveys and other online surveys where he topped the list with significant margin are proof to this commitment. If you will also visit the
site at this point (April 19, 2:15 pm), there are already 2,070,850 sure votes from registered voters when the on-line campaign was only launched fairly
recently, April 1.
But we need to let the rest of the nation know that there are enough Filipinos who will vote and who will campaign for Bro. Eddie. We need to counter the cynical and skeptical nation that Bro.Eddie does not have a fighting chance and that their votes will not go to naught. We have to be vigilant and passionate in our campaign because the media and various propaganda do not show a true picture of the majority of the populace committed to support Brother Eddie!
Read more here.
posted by Jax @ 5:23:00 PM   |