Sunday, January 11, 2004 |
Travel Writers |
I met up with a college friend around a week ago and we talked about our lives since we last saw each other. (FYI: The last time we saw each other was Oct 2002)
Anyway, we talked about each other's reading lists and he told me that he's been reading a lot of Philippine history and politics as of late. I told him I've been reading a lot of travel memoirs and that I was currently hooked on Peter Mayle, after reading his first book, A Year in Provence. I asked my friend if he has ever read Peter Mayle's books. He said no but one of his favorite travel writers was Pico Iyer, author of Video Nights in Kathmandu. I told him I wasn't a very big fan of Pico Iyer, especially after reading his piece on the Philippines. Well my friend loved Iyer and it has now become his mission to change my mind about him and make me love Pico Iyer's works. He sent me a copy of Iyer's essay, Why We Travel. I read it and, while it was not enough to change my mind, it opened my mind to reading more of his works. So my friend did. Just a few minutes ago, I opened my e-mail and there was another e-mail from him, with another Iyer essay. Oh, he was determined to change my mind!
Don't worry, dude, I'm reading all of it and I'm opening my mind about Iyer. I'll let you know if I change my mind. ;) |
posted by Jax @ 3:47:00 AM   |