Thursday, December 18, 2003 |
wow |
This afternoon, I had the most amazing, most relaxing, most detoxifying Oriental massage. It was so good and relaxing, my sister had to come get me -- an hour after it was finished!
Yes, my dear friends, I fell asleep.
Oooh... The massage felt so good! I just want to get back right now and have another one. But I can't because it's already closed.
Oh well. There's still tomorrow.
It's sad that a lot of people don't feel Christmas in the air while I do. They don't feel it for a lot of reasons and it saddens me. It also saddens me that people only seem to equate Christmas with shopping, gifts and vacations.
Yes, I do, too. But I also know that Christmas isn't just about shopping and gifts and vacations. It's also about preparing ourselves for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's also about teaching ourselves to stop thinking about ourselves and start helping others in need. It's the season of love and yet I feel like people are forgetting that.
And that saddens me.
But I still have a lot to be thankful for this Christmas.
Thank You, God, for taking care of me all the days of my life. And I will do everything that I can to please You. |
posted by Jax @ 7:18:00 AM   |