Wednesday, December 10, 2003 |
An Ode to Great Teachers |
A lot of us hate school. Sometimes, we only go to school to see our friends or to avoid our nagging mothers or because of some other reason.
But there comes a time when a person goes to school because they look forward to learning more. They look forward to learning more because of a great teacher.
This is an ode to the great teachers I have had.
(in random order)
I. Nanay Dette Windsor
Nanay Dette was the English professor in my high school that everyone feared. Ever since I was a freshman and heard stories about her, I prayed that I would never get her as my homeroom adviser come junior year (she taught English to HS juniors). But on my first day of my junior year in high school, when we find out what class we were in, I found out that I was assigned to the homeroom of Miss Windsor. Oh no, I thought. But you know what? First impressions really never last.
Nanay Dette, as my classmates and I fondly call her, became our second mother. She took care of us, made sure we were okay. She was always looking out after our welfare, all 42 of us. She knew each of our lives. She had the most genuine concern for us.
And she was the first English teacher who inspired me to love English literature as much as I do now. She inspired me to eventually dedicated my life to literature.
She doesn't teach at my old high school anymore because she migrated to the US last year. Hay. I miss her grabe.
*More to come... |
posted by Jax @ 5:50:00 AM   |